ngano diay ka? knsa may ga away nimo? heheheh
ngano diay ka? knsa may ga away nimo? heheheh
hilasa nimo oi. ur not worth my time? and who are u to tell me that? insa diay ka? si Mayor Duterte? hehehehe.. kabalo man cguro ka na ive been here taud taud na unya wala ko ni basa? walay unod? naa bay unod ang taga Cebu walay disiplina? persona non grata na imong buhat dong, basin di naka ka tungtung ug Cebu.. ayaw pag hinilas.
its @cebupacificair sir... mas advance ang twitter kaysa ilahang site... but you have to be quick pod
sorry off topic again.
There was never any sort of debate from your side of the fence, only laughable supplication to your mayor and weak put-downs of Cebu and Cebuanos that smack of envy and inferiority complex.
Some of you who criticize Cebu but are living here are the funniest. Why not go back to Davao? Oh is it because you have no JOBS there?
ngano mangita man sab kag warfreak bro?
"btw isa ka sa mga na violate ang human rights dire sa davao sir? mao na nilayas ka pa cebu? just asking."
mismo ang thread title, mao nay tubag sa imong pangutana.... naa nani na case sa DILG, sa CHR, sa DOJ... isnt CHR the Commission on Human Rights?
Bai I think if these people arguing on the forums for Davao are representative of the people of Davao, then we should call Davao the EMO City of the South.
Kung ang Cebu, Queen City of the South, they can be EMO City of the South.. Kana basig malipay sila ana. It's all emotion, no reasoning from them. Instead of tackling the argument he makes excuses like saying the law is too complex to explain to mere mortals, or that you aren't worth his time.
The fact of the matter is, he has time he just has no ability. Ang mga walay abilidad, manghimo lang og excuses kung ngano dili nila tubagon punto punto ang mga gipanghisgot nato. Right? Hahaha...
no need na lecturan niya ang Cebu Mayors. sa amoa lang makita no need na. iyaha nalang na iyang lecture lecture, LOL.. unya karun ang Mayor ninyu mao sab gi lecturan sa DILG, CHR, ug DOJ, i guess a lot of Senators pa gani and UP professors.
now thats what you call AUTHORITY, lol....
mu lollang ko sa persona non grata
and im out... got bills to pay, kids to raise... and mayor duterte to praise...
last word:
ayaw lang gud mo kasuko sa among mayor... kami taga davao wala man gani mi nasuko
hala basig ma high blood mo... mahal ang ma hospital karon. ^__^
hoi kiddo!! undang na, pointless na kaayo ka. Pag matngon nalang diha basig masumbagan sad ka. hehehe
nagka dugay nagka kingkoy na imong gipang tubag diri.
To everyone, let us wait for the investigation body to conclude this incident. Im sure all sides will legally heard. And unfortunately, kita...igo ra ta ga lalis.
But i will remain in my stand...and I will repeat what I said on my fb: "It may be improper for her to do such act, but leadership when it comes to greater good can sometimes be ugly."
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