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  1. #51

    Default Re: To fellow istoryans: If we see a thread that we think is BS, then let's not bothe

    you do is freakin troll!

    i will continue to post threads which are eye opening, ug ayaw panghilabot TS!

    perhaps, insecure ra ka, you even made another account just to troll around! so lame!


    Exodus.Genesis = florida.blanca

    could it be?

    i can sense that this thread will turn out to be
    To fellow istoryans: If we see a thread that we think is BS, then let's not bother cause i'm really bother (- from me: bothered much)

    chill hehehe
    i was just kidding

  2. #52

    Default Re: To fellow istoryans: If we see a thread that we think is BS, then let's not bothe

    to add your post count.. mao mo bother ug reply. Like this time..ahhaha

  3. #53

    Default Re: To fellow istoryans: If we see a thread that we think is BS, then let's not bothe

    Quote Originally Posted by florida.blanca View Post
    kaning TS siya ra man tingali nagpaapekto sa mga posts sa ubang istoryans diri!

    well TS, if it's me who you're referring in this thread (obviously ako man jud), here's one thing i will say to you


    posting this kind of thread is certainly a sign that you are really affected with the threads i'm creating.

    if that's it, well then i don't care! and stop trolling here!

    i contributed a lot of eye opening and mind awakening threads here. and all you do is freakin troll!

    i will continue to post threads which are eye opening, ug ayaw panghilabot TS!

    perhaps, insecure ra ka, you even made another account just to troll around! so lame!

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  4. #54

    Default Re: To fellow istoryans: If we see a thread that we think is BS, then let's not bothe

    I don't see why people are getting all worked up.

    Like i said, i'm not bothered by posts, but i am bothered about the reactions of people from posts that seem bothersome.

    I simply posted this thread coz i witnessed my friend and cousin typing madly with furious eyes on the monitor screen. haha.. ofcourse, who wouldn't be interested to see what's happening if you see that scenario. I observed a little longer, but i noticed that atleast everyday, they would keep typing mad. I wondered "aren't you hurting yourself by just constantly visiting that thread?"

    Logging in, i saw what they went about. Ofcourse, i felt a irritation myself, but realized that i was turning into a fool, like my friend and cousin. That enough was an eye opener for me to control my pride and actions.

    Thus, i posted this thread not to attack anyone, nor to bother people who see this as bothersome, but to send out a message to those, just like my friend & cousin (and shortly like me), that it's better to ignore messages that one finds bothersome of offensive.

    @ florida.blanca: i do not recall mentioning your name nor pointing fingers at you. Like you said in your first post "you wont bother". I put this up for other members, and not directly at you. Don't assume right away. i have nothing personal against you.

    @ yeinnahs: no, i'm not florida.

  5. #55
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    Default Re: To fellow istoryans: If we see a thread that we think is BS, then let's not bothe

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