(Naghimo lang ko separate thread for a budding out-of-topic discussion sa other thread. Para dili na mapun-an ang OT's didto.

The 'guide question' for this discussion:
Do you feel that deception is at all times negative and as much as possible shunned?
Here is the replies so far:

Originally Posted by
Soul Doctor

Originally Posted by
@Soul Doctor:
How do you feel about "deceiving as long as you do not harm anybody in the process"?
Just curious about your view on this...
You mean like the
The last leaf story.
What if you are in this position?:
If your buddy in combat is dying.
He got hit badly.
And there is no hope that he will live.
Your side is losing the battle.
Your buddy asks you this:
"Are we winning?"
What would you answer?
--- --- ---

Originally Posted by
flying fish
this kind of discussion is better cause it creates muscle to the brain, engaging the mind to a fresh approach, & may consider conventional thinking to weigh w/c is best at a specific given time & place..This is what we call training the mind on "how to think" & not just what to think..
to my understanding deception to hurt or to exploit is one thing, to mis inform a person out of compassion is another,,for me at a times one has to consider the recepients capacity to handle truth, if it will only do more harm than good, then i guess better choose kindness(if it means not telling lies) over honesty, for all we know a person can be so insensitive to prefer honesty for the sake of his own personal aggrandizement..Feeding ones own ego, under the guise of being honest.
KRISHNAMURTI once said, "Study then & be wise, not that men may think you are wise, or you have the happiness of being wise, but because only the wise men can be wisely helpful".
Continue lang ta diri...