can someone tell me what is the Ip address for Draytek vigor 2500
Try this ip That's the usual ip commonly used for the router inorder to work. Or try read an instruction in the manual if it is exist.
well that 's the problelm. I lost my manual. I ask lots of people, but they seems not to know. I only try here because there must me person that have an idea.
why not look for official documentation of it in the internet...
surely, the manufacturer of your equipment has online support.
is the draytek vigor 2500 a router? All you have to do is do a hard reset on the device to restore everything to factory default and then try any of these addresses, If it doesnt work email the manufacturer.
try too...and make sure your PC is set to "Obtain IP address automatically"...
okay... try to use DHCP bro.... unya adto sa start > run > "cmd" and type in netstat -r
there u will see your computer's routing settings... your GATEWAY IP wud be your modem/router![]()
Depende na sa imo ISP bro. either they will provide the IP to ur equipment which u will set ur equipment to "obtain automatically" or you will set it manually according to u preference but it should be a private IP range....
Devian: wala'y labot ang ISP... ang problem is IP address sa router...
try this:
set your TCP/IP settings to "Obtain IP Address Automatically"
start, run... "CMD"
from the prompt, "ipconfig"
it'll show your IP address, subnet and gateway...
the gateway is your Router's IP Address..![]()
ok I will try it. thanks for sharing your idea...
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