Sembreak: A Week of Drama and Diguise
, 10-29-2015 at 04:24 PM (4348 Views)
This sign of affirmation is one of the few words that are now screaming
at the top of each student's lungs, for they have been granted a
temporary break from the haggard of early morning rush and the
chaos inside the four-cornered walls of a classroom.
Semestral break spells bliss to almost every student who couldn't get
enough from the flooding quizzes, projects, reports to the mind-bleeding exams.
It is one of the anticipated weeks where students
get a chance to expose themselves to longer hours of deep slumber
(and maybe even to sunlight too ^_^).
Though, sembreaks are mostly short-term, students really savor
these days and mostly get the hang out of it, by attending parties,
outings, get-aways, vacations and out-of-town trips. Some even
retire to their comfortable bed and spend most of the time reading books or
novels, watching television, or envisioning themselves of their dream
wedding or a trip to the moon.
However, there are those few students who couldn't actually grasp the
magnitude of what the majority labelled as "sembreak".
Students who are stuck with work, barely grasp freedom on all shapes
and sizes. They are likely being tangled with fate until the time when
they'll be freed from their imaginary shackles. They envy the "normal"
students and feast their eyes on paper-works and move their way out
of errands that seem to last forever. They find momentarily bliss in the
smiles of others or in the company of a friend. They are set to have this
misery and gratefulness at the same time.
In my case, two years ago, I had the very same feeling of what is it like
to be deprived of having a sembreak. Requirements were lining-up, from
clearances to exams, all were candidates to an uneasy and a ruthless week
(not mentioning the holidays). And while the real world poses a threat to a
laid-back and an unstressful life, being in the OJT state is not far away from
being there.
Unlike any occasions and holidays, a semestral break brings extreme delight to
children, where they could play like there's no tomorrow without the thought of
school and homework.
Sembreak is supposedly the week of merriment. A week to relax and to chill-out.
A week to recover from sleepless nights and all-nighters. A week to meditate.
A week to work-out and get back into shape. A week to decide from things
that are holding you back. A week to see yourself in someone else's shoes.
A week full of plans that couldn't meet your schedules.
And a week you try to hold-on and wish it would never let go.
It would be best to let semestral break do its job rather than feeling sunken and suicidal with the side-lines and stuff you're involved.
At least, we are all thankful ( or are we?) that such week exists and that it really help us drag to our comfort zones again.
Yes, it might just be only for a few days, but it's somehow therapeutical and remedial.
Who couldn't say NO to that?