maybe. . . . .
, 01-27-2013 at 07:23 AM (3579 Views)
Life is somehow ironic. When you want something, you could have that or have something else better, or something that you do not want.
does it happen to love as well?
I have learned that if you want to be in a position, you have to work for it, if you want to have those luxurius things that could make your life better, you have to work it, if you want to have money you have to work for it.
In love, do you have to work for the one you love so you can have him/her?
How is it possible to work for it if in the first place, they already have thier owners?
do we have to wait for them to be a second hand, so we can have them ? how long does it takes to wait?
Someone had told me that, do not look far, perhaps the one that you're looking for is in front of you. you just have to see it.
But what if that is not the one I want? what could be more to love , life...
does this implies the discontentment of my being?
what do I have to work for?
things in this world come and go, change is invetable. yet we tend to look for more. . .
what lies ahead of us... what tomorrow could bring?
Perhaps we have to accept what we have now, learn to improve and learn to enhance it. work for it now.. . sow what you want to reap...
perhaps tomorrow would bring happiness..
maybe, tomorrow. . . maybe . . .