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Memoirs of an Amnesiac

The Drive

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They say we spend the first thirty years of our lives making important decisions and the next thirty years living up to the consequences of those decisions. I begin to think and reassess the life that I live now. Have I made really important decisions and what consequences are in store for me?

I have trudged on the path less travelled by. I do hope I made a difference. Well, it has been quite lonely sometimes but there are a lot of realizations along the way. I still have not achieved my childhood dreams of settling with someone whom I will love and serve the rest of my life, having children with that person and fulfilling my other wishes. But I have made significant differences (I hope) in other people’s lives. They’re not that big but at least I made a difference.

I strive to wake up each day with a fresh start, no matter how much gloomy the weather can be or how tough my administrators tend to be. I hold on to people whom I gain strength and inspiration from – my family, friends and students. They are the wind beneath my wings. Without them, I wouldn’t have survived most of the calamities that came through my life: the loss of a parent, the betrayal of a lover and the despair of not having one’s dreams come true.

I am what I am now, less my childhood illusions. I have come to terms with what truly matters in life – my relationships. I believe there is no limit to what I can achieve and become (except those I have no control with). I have self respect and a sense of dignity for the profession that I would be willing to sacrifice my whole life with.

I am not perfect although all my energies are poured into being one. I try not to deal with difficult people now, having fully understood that like coffee, we all come in different mixes. I have a sense of understanding that is encompassing (compared to how I was some years ago).

I love everything about life – its many imperfections: the tree trunk that the mushrooms have dwelt on, the anthill that reminds me so much about working hard to achieve something or to get somewhere, those dead leaves that will soon decay make me ponder about the shortness of life and how we must strive to etch our own significance in the soonest time possible.

I have made important decisions in my life. I would be glad to live the next thirty years of my life enjoying their consequences.


  1. marius's Avatar
    .. kuyawa sa line na D TREE TRUNK DAT D MUSHROOMS HAVE DWELT ON.. biliba nako ani labs ...
  2. sevmik's Avatar
    They also say that that time between the age of 30 and 31 is the longest and most confusing stage of our life. I'm at that point right now, and I envy how you seem to have already gotten over the decisions you have made and your determination to face the consequences.

    Oh well, must be my lifestyle...
  3. Dorothea's Avatar
    @marius -- lahi man cguro nga mushroom imong gihuna huna, kadtong psychedelic mushrooms he he joke

    Sis, naa pa ka taas kaayo nga panahon for Mr Right. Life loves to surprise us, esp when we feel like nothing could surprise us anymore. Recently, a loved one found out she'd gotten pregnant, after 12 years of marriage! Just when she and her husband had accepted that they coudn't have any, that after 12 years they probably won't be blessed with a baby. It is such a heartwarming story...made me so put a smile on me all day when she told me. It has renewed my faith in life. And made me realize too...that with really ain't over til it's over.
  4. shey0811's Avatar
    @marius -- labs, yeah Dorothea is right, it is not the same mushroom we are looking at...
    @Sevmik -- All my life I have always figured what I wanted to do and how I get there. There are just those instances where no matter how prepared I am, I just can't seem to get them. Oh well, no matter how cliched it may seem -- In life you win some and you lose some. Yeah, it must have been the lifestyle. Should I say more? hahaha
    @Dorothea -- Life is what you make it. Whichever point of view you look at it, it still is the only thing that drives you and makes you reach farther heights. I was also awed by your story. And there are more awesome stories we will yet encounter. We just have to keep the faith and hold on to our dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem. I'm holding mine now...
  5. the president's Avatar
    what if you die young? like 22 y.o.
  6. Takatsu Meregildo's Avatar
    its depends on what you did. or what you did not do during the past years of your life. )
  7. shey0811's Avatar
    @the president--What if you die young? Then you're done.. period...
    @Takatsu Meregildo -- That is why you do reap something out of your actions later in life...
  8. rayboy's Avatar
    istorya lang mo diha..minaw lang ko ako lang tig tagay..hehehe.bitaw nidot inyo blogs...


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