"Topakk", also known as "Triggered", is an exciting Philippine action thriller directed by the talented Richard Somes. Featuring a compelling cast including Arjo Atayde, Julia Montes, and Sid Lucero, this film promises to deliver a gripping storyline.
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EB (Eye-Ball) has been a word, back in the radio kitkit days but it gained popularity at the same time when iSTORYA.NET did. iSTORYA.NET gave a new feel to EB's, paving way for meeting new friends who, as we have personally experienced, will be with you for life!
Here, for our first #throwbackthursday mania (let's ride the waves!), was our eye-ball at Kaona Grill last 2004. You may squint your eyes and check out familiar faces (former super thin members, now physically-gifted moderators and CIAs).
During this time, @monrose29 is still the "eligible" bachelor, he wasn't Noy Noah yet and he had his bousts of love gained and love lost. Now, he is happy with his love life na daw (naks!)
I remember most of us saw each other for the first time but it felt like we have known each other for so long, what with interacting in the forums like long-lost friends and now seeing each other in the flesh!
Please tag yourselves (if you can recognize yourselves). Oh yes, with iSTORYA.NET's platform, you sure can tag!
If you have some pictures from way back when (gatherings, EBs, events), please don't hesitate to share your stories and pictures.. Email us at contact@istorya.net or PM @thisbe.ara so we can check and feature your stories!
iSTORYA.NET League of Writers
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