• DIY Animé Character Chocolates!

      I fancy how things are made--like how babies are made and why are Storks carrying a baby in a bundle of fabric. I haven't seen a Stork in real life, you know. One time, I was curious how babies are made, so... I read lots and lots of books. What are you thinking?

      They say with proper and right ingredients,making babies is easy. I say, it's also about the right timing on how and when to bake one. I made one and she's a handful.

      Then I read about chocolate babies. Chocolate.Molded.Babies! How impossible is that? Not really.But it is tedious!

      Now, my problem is with the chocolate molded babies. I just don't have the patience and mad skillz to make my own mold. So I read buncha books again (when I say books, I meant google) and found out that I can make my own chocolate character without using a mold. I'm not giving up on how the chocolate babies are made, yet. Someday I'll find a way how to make one.

      But for now, I'd like to share with you what I learned from the books.

      What you need:

      - Pencil and Paper to draw

      - Parchment paper ( I used Reynold's parchment paper.
      You can use different brands)
      - Chocolate blocks (I make sure I have white chocolate blocks for my colored chocolates aside from brown)
      - Food color (I used black, red, yellow for Totoro and Ponyo)

      What to do:

      Draw the character on a piece of white bond paper.

      If you think it's challenging to draw the character you want to make, it is best to just print it out.

      Then put the parchment paper over the drawing and trace it.

      Flip the parchment paper.

      Grate the chocolate block.

      Melt it in low heat.

      Warning: Never put water or mix water even a tiny bit to the melted chocolate! Else, the aliens will abduct you.

      Outline or trace the drawing using the brown chocolate. If you are good at piping, you can do the outlining that way. But since I suck at it, I used a toothpick, dipping it into the melted chocolate and repeatedly traced the lines until I get the result I want.

      After you outline your animé character, put it in the fridge and start melting the white grated chocolate. (if you have to color it, just put a wee bit using a toothpick until you get the desired hue)

      Gently drop the white/colored chocolate and drop it on the white/colored parts of the drawing. Make sure it does not disturb the brown chocolate outline, else the sun will melt your face.

      You see, it's like filling out the void with melted chocolate until you see rainbows or puke rainbows because OMG you are making your own Animé character chocolate!

      Let it stay in the fridge 'til it's hard enough to bite.

      If you don't get the steps, just think of it like coloring a drawing book with chocolates. Easy as that. It's a bit tedious and hundred miles of patience. But once you are done making it, you can't help but congratulate and dip yourself in awesomesauce.
      (I exaggerate things sometimes.Sometimes. )



      Article by:

      Bigfoot Oracle
      iSTORYAn Blogger
      iSTORYA Blog (<---Click)


      Props to Annathered. I learned it from her.
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      Comments 6 Comments
      1. thisbe.ara's Avatar
        thisbe.ara -
        love this, rhods! will try some time. ganahan ko minions hehehe...
      1. jelousofthe1's Avatar
        jelousofthe1 -
        ponyo... .. like..like...like..
      1. Bigfoot Oracle's Avatar
        Bigfoot Oracle -
        Yeah, Minions! Bananaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

        I'd love to see you blog it And post pictures too!
      1. IneedAhotel's Avatar
        IneedAhotel -
        coool.. art in a chocolate? why not
      1. potterboy's Avatar
        potterboy -
        Basta naa si Jada cute! hahahaha!
      1. Bigfoot Oracle's Avatar
        Bigfoot Oracle -
        Yeah. dapat jud naay Jada sa picture as a prop para mo nindot ang picture tan-awon haha. Try making this with your bulilit. She would love it!

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