• Simple Guide for Beginner Runners

      Running a race has been kind of an “in-thing” lately, with all the running marathons and races here and there. I was never a runner but I gave in because of some personal reasons last Sunday.

      There are many reasons and causes for running—a cause, a cry for justice or simply for cardiovascular activities. Some even collect medals, etc. Whatever your reason is, one should know that beginners and seasoned runners alike should always bear in mind that you just cannot decide to run—you have to prepare yourself to run.

      The base for Hunat Sugbo Dos

      I am fortunate enough that with this organization’s strong running team, I have a loottt of mentors to guide me on my first run. These are the things they taught me:

      1. Race Early on Race Packets- Do not assume that there will be enough race packets. Most people decide at the last minute to run and if this is the case, you won’t get the correct size of shirt, etc. Once you decide to run, get your race packets as early as possible.

      2. Fashion Show—Not! While it is a great time to sport your new Nike shoes or running outfits, additional frills, too many things in pockets, etc. will be uncomfortable as you go along. Moreover, be light and comfortable as you can be.

      our very own Ridiculously Photogenic guy haha..peace out!

      3. Bib at Front- Race bibs, like any other bib, should be pinned at the front (make use of safety pins at all corners). The reason for this is officials will know that you are part of the race. Photographers and officials can also identify you based on your number.

      4. Be an Early Bird. Make sure that you will be at the racing site early enough for you to have a parking spot, attend the warm-up exercises, secure your belongings or go to the bathroom. This way, you will have enough reserved energy for the run ahead, and not waste it on last-minute preparations.

      5. Do not Run on an Empty Stomach— Most especially if you are a beginner, do carb load a day prior to your run. Eat also at least one hour prior to your run, something high in carbs, low in fat, fiber and protein. Stay away from junk foods, high-fiber food, or fatty food. These things may cause gastrointestinal distress during or after a marathon.

      6. Identify Similar Pacers. During races, there are fast and slow runners, and some in the middle paces. You don’t wanna run with those of different pace. It’s either you’ll be catching after them or walking with them. Try to ask other runners nearby on their anticipated pace and if it’s the same as yours, run with them. If they tend to be faster than you, move further back. Do not outrun others faster than you are. Run per your energy and per your pace.

      7. H2O Break. Make use of the water stations nearby. Hydrate while you can, rest for a bit, then pick up your energy and run again. Do not thank to smile and thank the volunteers.

      8. Cheerleaders. Bring your support team. It boosts up your energy if you have friends in the audiences to cheer up for you. Try to invite those who cannot run and make them your personal cheerleaders.

      9. Load up with Tunes. Bring a handy iPod or some music to keep you company while you run. Choose songs with beats that encourage you to run further. Some have chosen theme songs with their marathons. Take your pic and fill your runs with music!

      10. Enjoy the Run. Do not pressure yourself with a goal to finish fast. Just aim to finish the race and enjoy it while you can.

      Oh, before I forgot, the one that broke my hiatus in running was Hunat Sugbu Dos: Dagan para kang Maning, a run organized by Cebu Parklane International Hotel with the help of season-raced organizers. This was last Sunday, June 24, 2012, the base of which is at Ayala Terraces. It had 4 categories—3k, 6k, 12k and 21k. The run was organized and well-planned, with collection-worthy medals and organized and safe routes plus delectable after-run food.. Yum!

      This is dear to my heart as the run was not just for simple health reasons, it was also a cry for justice. Hunat (brevity in English) Sugbu (city in English, mostly associated with Cebu City) Dos is the 2nd leg of the successful first one held last year in commemoration of the hotel’s late President whose violent demise left hearts empty and shocked for those who knew him.

      Anyway, I had fun, I finished the race and I felt tired but good! I also saw some runners wearing iSTORYA.NET shirts! Sweet!

      So, iSTORYAns, what are your latest runs? Can you add some more tips for beginners like me?
      Thanks and keep those adrenaline pumping!

      Photos courtesy of Cebu Parklane International Hotel's Hunat Subgo Dos Page.

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      Comments 9 Comments
      1. francisxim's Avatar
        francisxim -
        Listen to your body, walk if u must.
      1. muchacha00's Avatar
        muchacha00 -
        thax TS...... love u...
      1. botoy0917's Avatar
        botoy0917 -
        nice one TS!!! kami to imo nakit.an naka istoryan singlet! go IRC!
      1. 3nZ0y's Avatar
        3nZ0y -
        This may be unnecessary and irrelevant, but I just would like to point out some wrong information.

        Firstly, I do not see why hunat means brevity in English. For me, thrust is more like it.

        Second, Sugbu is the pre-hispanic name of Cebu. City is dakbayan in our vernacular.

        Other than those petty mistakes, the article was great. Thank you for sharing.
      1. geff_chang's Avatar
        geff_chang -
        Feel free to join the conversations of the Istoryan Runners Club at: https://www.istorya.net/forums/sports...ub-2012-a.html

        We're still looking forward to finalize the next batch of singlets, hopefully with better quality!
      1. carlito's Avatar
        carlito -
        We shared this post on ZeroThreeTwo ^^ Great post! Zerothreetwo

        Who wrote it??!?
      1. thisbe.ara's Avatar
        thisbe.ara -
        Quote Originally Posted by carlito View Post
        We shared this post on ZeroThreeTwo ^^ Great post! Zerothreetwo

        Who wrote it??!?

        hi carl, thanks for sharing! i wrote this (ara).
      1. gierome's Avatar
        gierome -
        run for a healthier lifestyle. a new trend.
      1. hmchua's Avatar
        hmchua -
        Quote Originally Posted by francisxim View Post
        Listen to your body, walk if u must.

        you're really right on this one..

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