"Topakk", also known as "Triggered", is an exciting Philippine action thriller directed by the talented Richard Somes. Featuring a compelling cast including Arjo Atayde, Julia Montes, and Sid Lucero, this film promises to deliver a gripping storyline.
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Synchrony Financial is a premier consumer financial services company with headquarters in the United States. Their background in consumer finance trace back to the year 1932. Presently, Synchrony Financial is the largest provider of private label credit cards in the United States based on purchase volume and receivables. They have approximately 70 million active consumer accounts. They offer credit products through partners in over 365,000 locations across the United States and Canada.
Synchrony Financial has been operating in the Philippines since 2006, in Madrigal Business Center in Alabang, Muntinlupa City. In Cebu, Synchrony Financial will provide service for two of Synchrony’s platforms, Payment Solutions, which offers promotional financing for major consumer purchases and CareCredit, a leading provider of promotional financing for health, wellness and personal care for families and their pets.
Synchrony Financial strives to provide a great work-life balance for all of their employees. They pride themselves on extending equal opportunities to all, regardless of age, educational background or sexual preference.
The Philippines is a good destination for service centers according to Synchrony Financial. The main considerations are - The wealth of talents in terms of the workforce that meets the company’s global standards, The ICT (Information and Communications Technology) infrastructure is already mature and at par with the US and the Philippine governments’ friendly policies for business processing companies.
Are you on the hunt for a great company to work for? One that has a genuine concern for your well-being as an individual and a valued team member, be sure to visit their website at www.synchronyfinancial.com for a listing of available career opportunities.
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