"Topakk", also known as "Triggered", is an exciting Philippine action thriller directed by the talented Richard Somes. Featuring a compelling cast including Arjo Atayde, Julia Montes, and Sid Lucero, this film promises to deliver a gripping storyline.
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Manny Ayala is the Managing Director of Endeavor Philippines. It is the third affiliate for Endeavor in Southeast Asia.
Before Endeavor, Manny founded Hatchd. Hatchd is a tech incubator in the Philippines. It has built a portfolio of consumer tech companies.
Manny has a long-standing interest in helping entrepreneurs become more successful in business. He helps them develop their “give back” acumen. He is also a past president of the Philippine Chapter of Entrepreneurs Organization (“EO”). Where he launched the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards across Asia.
Manny was a co-founder of IRG Ltd, a Hong Kong-based M&A advisory boutique. He worked on a variety of transactions in the Telecoms, Media and Tech sectors across the Asia Pacific. Before that, Manny spent several years in the Television industry in Asia. Working for Discovery Channel and Turner Broadcasting in Strategy and Business Development roles.
Manny sits on the Board of Directors of Sky Cable. He has an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BA from Yale University.