"Topakk", also known as "Triggered", is an exciting Philippine action thriller directed by the talented Richard Somes. Featuring a compelling cast including Arjo Atayde, Julia Montes, and Sid Lucero, this film promises to deliver a gripping storyline.
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Is your job in demand? What’s the highest paid job in Cebu?
Specialists in information technology (IT) continue to be the best-paid employees in Cebu.
The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry also continues to offer more jobs in the region. This is according to the 2017 edition of the Jobstreet.com Cebu Jobs and Salary Report.
BPO or shared services industry lead Cebu’s top 10 industries with 35% jobs in the market. Next are retail, manufacturing, food and beverage, real estate, construction, transportation & logistics, banking, automobile, and hotel or hospitality. Demand for IT specialist is also higher compared to technical support.
Customer service also continues to be the top specializations employed by the BPO industry in Cebu & Central Visayas.
According to Jobstreet's Cebu salary report for junior employee level, those with less than 5 years experience, IT specialists are the highest paid. With an average monthly earning of Php31,262. Following the rank are banking, training and development, PR/Communications, Journalist/Editor.
IT specialists in the supervisory level with more than 5 years to 10 years work experience, earn Php51,621 monthly. Followed by Training and Development, Customer Service, Banking and Architecture/Interior Design.
Corporate Strategy managers earn Php139,563 monthly making them the highest paid managers in the region. Next are managers specializing in Property/Real Estate, IT, Training & Development, and Customer Service.
Also, the following industries in Cebu have the most vacancies for a fresh graduate in 2016. Call Center/BPO companies with 47% vacancy, retail, manufacturing, food & beverage, and banking.
A potential employee’s character is one of the top priorities considered aside from work experience or their credentials. Employers also consider the relevance of their field of study to the job they're applying for. Though the school where they graduated from is important, companies don’t regard it as the primary consideration.
Beverly Caballes
iSTORYA Contributor
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