"Topakk", also known as "Triggered", is an exciting Philippine action thriller directed by the talented Richard Somes. Featuring a compelling cast including Arjo Atayde, Julia Montes, and Sid Lucero, this film promises to deliver a gripping storyline.
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The show will feature bridal gowns applied with crocheted motifs through Passementerie, which is considered by the designer as the ultimate application of crochet.
Hopefully, by creating a market in the world of weddings, the art of crochet will be preserved, and the livelihood created through this art for many skilled women in Cebu City will be sustained.
A Bustier with crocheted details.
Crochet has become – to a lot of people – a dreaded rite of passage in grade school or high school, and to some of us, it is a loving skill passed on from our grandmothers and mothers. Seeing coasters and doilies may instill the dreaded remembrance of struggling with the crochet needle just to meet a school requirement, or it may instill loving memories of sitting beside lola in the couch, who is the one struggling with her amazing patience as she watches how your beginner hands seek to build chain after chain.
To many, it is their means of putting food on the table; many skilled crochet workers in our city use this skill to get from day to day through waiting for orders or commissions from others. However, the market for crochet seems to be diminishing, so this skill and means of livelihood is slowly diminishing with it.
In Partnership with Zonta Club of Cebu II, Jojo Martinez desires to provide a livelihood program to many women through passementerie and at the same time create an effort to preserve the art of crochet.
For tickets to be a part of this livelihood program and the preservation of the art of crochet, please feel free to send a message or contact CHIARA (09223886203), AMANDA (09322519319), or MAI (09325048800).
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