• Can You Guess These Tim Burton Films?

      Tim Burton's classics are a buzz every time halloween nears. He is known for his dark, gothic, macabre, and quirky horror and fantasy films.

      Some of these films must have been part of your childhood. How many of his films have you watched? Do you have any favorites?

      How well do you really know Tim Burton's films? Take this quiz to find out if you know Mr. Burton's classics as much as you think you do.

      Mag iSTORYA ta! Post your results on the comment section below.
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      Comments 5 Comments
      1. TristanE's Avatar
        TristanE -
        You got 83% on Can You Guess These Tim Burton Films?
      1. sandy2007's Avatar
        sandy2007 -
        I haven't seen Pee Wee's Big Adventure yet. All others are my favorites!!!
      1. beyee's Avatar
        beyee -
        Amazing! You really do know Tim's films inside and out!

        You got 97% on Can You Guess These Tim Burton Films?

      1. butchix's Avatar
        butchix -
        You got 94% on Can You Guess These Tim Burton Films?
      1. mata_hari's Avatar
        mata_hari -
        Amazing! You really do know Tim's films inside and out!
        You got 97% on Can You Guess These Tim Burton Films?

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