"Topakk", also known as "Triggered", is an exciting Philippine action thriller directed by the talented Richard Somes. Featuring a compelling cast including Arjo Atayde, Julia Montes, and Sid Lucero, this film promises to deliver a gripping storyline.
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In addition, your team leader, your supervisor or your manager roams around and oftentimes make announcements in a very amplified voice. The modern culture however has changed what an office looks like and it’s in the comfort of your own home. Thanks to online jobs.
An online job lets you work anywhere, either from home or from a coffee shop
An online job is basically a traditional job turned virtual. Many people relate online jobs to working from home but it is not mainly the case. There are BPO companies, for example, which provide online jobs from off-shored clients. Either way, your job is still virtual.
Having an online job is a great alternative to many parents, specifically single parents like me. It gives me less worries since I don’t have to leave home. When you are working from home, you do not have to worry about commuting. You will no longer experience the rush hour traffic and the long lines waiting for a jeepney or bus in the terminal. You don’t need to dress up for work, although research shows that even when you are working from home, you need to dress up a little to have that feeling of being at work. Ever had that feeling of laziness when you are still in your pajamas?
Another advantage of having an online job at home is that you work at your own time. No need to log in or log out of your time, unless of course if your client requests. You will be able to manage your time well as you work your own pace. For me, I get to have more quality time with my son especially now that he’s on summer vacation.
Having an online job is not all that great. There are disadvantages too for having an online job. One is that you have no one to talk to. Unless you are an introvert and you don’t like to talk to people face-to-face, having an online job does not give you the chance to have coffee breaks or smoke breaks with your colleagues. You can always have a Skype chat with your team but it’s different when you see them personally. Another disadvantage of having an online job is benefits. Once you are employed in a company, you are automatically entitled to government benefits, company insurance and bonuses. When you work from home, you have to process government benefits on your own. There are some clients though who provide benefits and bonuses.
There are thousands of online job opportunities available on the web should you choose to work from home. Whatever path you take, whether you want to an online job at home or in a company, make sure it is a job you are happy to have.
Maria Celeste Abellana
iSTORYA League of Writers
Celeste is a content writer. blogger. social media addict. learning social media marketing. loves music and coffee. work-from-home mom. single parent to an awesome boy who is growing up too fast.
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