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  1. #1

    Default Mobile Body Awareness & Tactile Imaging - From NEW System of Robert Bruce

    Share lang nako ning NEW System ni Robert Bruce, kay basig naa interesado makat-on palihok sa inyong energy diha.. ^_^ ...

    mao ni akong hilig sauna pero naundang tungud sa kabusy og sa laing hilig... ^_^

    Mobile Body Awareness:
    Mobile Body Awareness (M.B.A)

    Your body's point of awareness is normally centred in the eyes. This is its natural location, but it does not have to stay there. Mobile Body Awareness (M.B.A.) is the ability to move and focus body awareness upon any specific part of the physical body. Being able to do this is very simple and easily learned, but is an extremely important skill. Combined with other techniques, this enables the dynamic manipulation of the energy body and its energy centres. This allows specific parts of the energy body to be directly stimulated, and the flow of energy increased in a controlled and deliberate way.
    With all the coming exercises, a deep level of relaxation or the trance state are NOT required. Light relaxation is quite adequate. Just close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and allow your mind to wind down and settle for a few moments, and begin. This is all that is required. I also suggest that you do not use a bed for these early exercises unless you have to. Sit in a comfortable armchair with your shoes off, place a cushion under your feet, wear loose clothing and do not cross your legs. But this is not mandatory and if an armchair cannot be used, please adapt and use whatever is necessary or available. For example, if you have spinal injuries as I do, sometimes it may be physically impossible to sit upright.
    Targeting & Highlighting:

    With all the coming exercises, lightly scratch or rub specified body parts as needed. This is a learning aid which helps highlight and target specific areas on the physical body. Body awareness can then be focused more easily and accurately. Use a small stick or ruler if you have difficulty reaching some parts of your body. This scratching and rubbing is not necessary when you become used to the technique and can target specific areas with body awareness alone; which for most people does not take very long. Repeat the MBA exercises below without scratching and see how you get on without this aid. Try and do this with your eyes closed so you are focusing with body awareness only, but please use your eyes if you need to. As with scratching, the use of the eyes for targeting should be done away with once this can be comfortably done with body awareness alone. The reason for this is that some of the exercises given later in these tutorials do not allow the use of the eyes for targeting body awareness.
    Localizing Body Awareness:

    To demonstrate shifting your centre of body awareness and targeting specific areas on the body, please do the following exercises:
    Lightly scratch the skin of your left knee with your fingernails to highlight it. Do this just hard enough to leave a slight tingling sensation there after you stop scratching. Close your eyes and feel for this tingling area with your body awareness. Become intensely aware of that area as you focus on it. Highlight it with your body awareness until it stands out. You will feel your knee tingling and will easily be able to locate and target it. Feel for this tingling area with your body awareness alone, with your sense of touch; your sense of feel. Focus on the target area and forget about the rest of your body for a moment. Move your knee slightly and feel for more of the same knee and become aware of it as a whole joint. Feel its outline and shape and really get the feel of it with your body awareness. Your centre of body awareness is now focused entirely in your left knee.
    Shift your point of awareness to your right knee, scratching it first to highlight it. Feel its shape with your awareness. Your centre of body awareness is now focused entirely in your right knee.
    Shift your point of awareness to your right big toe. Scratch it on top of the large joint where it joins your foot. Wiggle your big toe to help get the feel of it, so you can zero in on it with your awareness. Feel the tingle on top of it, then feel its shape with your awareness. Your centre of awareness is now focused entirely in your right big toe.
    Shift your body awareness to several other parts of your body (anywhere you like) highlighting them first by light scratching. Feel these areas as you target them with your new sense of, now mobile, body awareness.
    Increasing Body Awareness Sensitivity:

    To improve body awareness sensitivity, do the following exercises as often as you can until you get the hang of it. They will progressively improve your body awareness sensitivity, which is extremely important for later exercises and techniques within these tutorials.
    When first learning to move a point of body awareness through the surface of your body, it helps if you trace the pathway along your skin with fingertips or a paintbrush, to highlight the path your point of awareness will be taking. This teaches your body awareness the pathway, making it easier to follow this with a point of awareness alone. If this is not enough, lightly scratch a small pathway along your skin with your fingernails or a ruler, to highlight it more strongly. Follow the slight tingling sensation this leaves behind on your skin with a point of awareness alone.

    For tracing and learning wider energy pathways, they can be stroked repeatedly with a hand, or a paint brush be used of an appropriate size. You can do this by yourself or have a partner do it for you, while you follow the sensations caused by this touch with your point of body awareness.

    To start with I suggest tracing a pathway from the base of your left thumb, along the sensitive inside of your arm and on up to your left shoulder. Close your eyes and concentrate on the feel of the brush or fingers touching and moving along the surface of your skin. Ignore the hand doing the brushing and concentrate solely on its touch. Repeatedly stroke this pathway, from thumb to shoulder and back to your thumb again, following this with your body awareness until you have a good feel for the action.

    Repeat the above exercise with your right arm.
    Next, trace and follow a path from your left big toe, up over your foot to your ankle, up the outside of your shin to your kneecap, and on up the outside of your thigh to your left hip joint; then back down to the same big toe again.
    Repeat the above exercise with your right leg.
    Practice this technique until you can trace a pathway to anywhere on your body with a point of body awareness alone, feeling your way along the surface of your skin without having to follow a manually highlighted pathway. Please rub and scratch and highlight, however, as often and for as long as you need to while learning this technique.
    If you are training with a partner, you can help each other by stroking and brushing each other's body to stimulate pathways, or with a slow, stroking massage. Massage is a good way of learning how to focus and move body awareness. Have your partner give you a massage and follow the touch of their hands with a point of awareness. Have them trace pathways up your legs and arms, and up your back, following their touch. It may help if they use only one hand at a time, at least to start with, making it easier to follow their touch with a point of awareness. Soon you will progress to being able to split your awareness and work with two points or more of body awareness at the same time.

    M.B.A. Exercise:

    Focus a point of awareness in your right knee until you can feel it well. Slide your centre of awareness slowly down the outside of your right shin. Keep your awareness moving until your centre of awareness comes to your right foot. Move your awareness slowly out to your right big toe. Feel this toe with your awareness. Wiggle it a little and make sure you can really feel it and are targeting it well. Move your point of awareness to the toe next to it and feel its shape and outline. Tense, move, wiggle, touch or scratch each toe, as needed, to highlight and target each of them one at a time.
    Next, move your awareness across to your left foot and feel your whole foot with your awareness. Flex and tense your foot slightly to get the feel of it as a whole. Now centre your awareness in your left big toe. Slide your awareness back to your ankle and then slowly on up over your left shin until it comes to rest in your left kneecap. Keep it moving, sliding up your thigh to your left hip, and then slowly on up the left side of your body until you come to your left shoulder. Move your awareness down the outside of your left arm, moving slowly past your elbow to your left hand. Feel your whole left hand with your awareness. Move and centre your awareness in your left thumb. Feel its shape and outline with your awareness. Wiggle it a little if you need to highlight it. Feel all your other fingers, one at a time, with your awareness.

    You have just moved your centre of body awareness all around your body, targeting and focusing a point of body awareness in many parts of it. Without knowing it at this stage, you have also been stimulating your energy body in the process. As your centre of awareness moved through the surface of your energy body (energy body = etheric body) you may have felt some peculiar tingling, fuzzy or heavy sensations. These are caused by energy movement within your energy body. They are quite normal for this type of awareness exercise.

    In order to effectively stimulate your energy body, it is necessary to be able to focus your point of awareness at a single point on your body, and then to move and manipulate that point of awareness. This is done with active body awareness, with something I have called Tactile Imaging. Tactile Imaging is very easy to learn and use. You have already learned the skills required for it and will soon get the hang of it - it just takes a little practice.
    Tactile Imaging
    Tactile Imaging (T.I)

    Tactile imaging (T.I. for short) is the active use of body awareness. This is used to directly stimulate and manipulate the energy body in a controlled way. T.I. is a simple extension of M.B.A., and is very easy to learn and do. When body awareness is focused in a specific area, and that point of awareness is given motion, this motion stimulates the energy body in that area. When this motion is done at the site of a primary or secondary energy centre (major or minor Chakras), that energy centre will be directly stimulated. Individual energy centres can thus be targeted and stimulated in a strong and dynamic way.
    Using Tactile Imaging:

    Tactile Imaging exercises are only a little different from the simpler M.B.A. exercises given earlier, where body awareness is moved along the skin from one place to another. The only difference here is that your point of body awareness is often focused on a specific area, and a variety of repetitive body awareness actions are used to further stimulate that area.
    Note: Focus body awareness alone on the specified target area and try not to use your eyes unless you really have to. Many people, however, find they cannot learn T.I. techniques without using their eyes for targeting. Do what is necessary for as long as you need to, but try and wean yourself off using your eyes as soon as you can. Many of the more advanced exercises and techniques given later in this tutorial do not allow the use of the eyes, or any other form of targeting or highlighting aid.

    The best way to learn Tactile Imaging is by doing it. Rest your hands comfortably in your lap, or on the arms of your chair, palms down and fingers slightly spread. Close your eyes and relax, then shift your point of body awareness to the base of your right thumb, topside. There is an important secondary energy centre (small Chakra) in each of the thumb joints, and you are now going to stimulate one of them. Most people will feel one of their thumb centres activate noticeably the first time they work on it.

    The area to be worked on first is on top of the large joint where the thumb joins the right hand. If you have trouble locating this joint (the second joint in from the thumbnail) flex your thumb while pressing this joint between your other fingers until you can feel it. Lightly scratch a circular area clockwise on top of the thumb joint, approximately half an inch (1.5cm) across, to highlight it with your awareness. Slowly trace a fingertip around this same circular path while following this touch with your point of awareness. That point of touch must become your point of awareness. Continue following this action until you can remember the exact feel of this circular movement, and can recreate this action with your point of awareness alone.

    Feel the tingling target area on top of your thumb joint with your point of awareness. Recreate and feel this circular action inside your skin. Move your point of awareness in a small clockwise circle in that area, as if you were stirring it with an imaginary pencil or awareness fingertip. Concentrate and feel this action, continuing the motion with your point of awareness alone. Keep stirring this centre around and around with one or two circling actions per second. After a short time this action will gain its own momentum. It will then become almost automatic and take very little effort to continue.

    After a while (anything from a few seconds to a few minutes during a first attempt) you should begin feeling a slight localized heaviness or pressure, or a tingling, buzzing or bonedeep tickling or fuzzy sensation in your thumb joint and thumb. This sensation indicates the energy centre there has been successfully stimulated into increased activity. Once you feel this, immediately move onto the next exercise. If you feel nothing after trying for a few minutes, move onto the next exercise anyway.

    Change the awareness action and move your point of awareness in a straight brushing action, up and down along the top of your right thumb, from just below the joint to just above the nail tip. Move your point of awareness continually back and forth through this area. You are now stimulating your entire thumb, including all the small energy centres within it. Feel this brushing action through the whole of your thumb as you do it. The sensations you may have felt earlier will intensify and spread throughout the whole of your thumb as you do this, as more and more small energy centres there are stimulated into increased activity.

    Repeat both the above exercises on the thumb of your left hand.
    Repeat both the above exercises on the big toes of both feet, one at a time.
    T.I. Stimulation Notes:

    Often, there are inactive secondary energy centres on one side of the body, but rarely on both sides. If you feel nothing after doing any awareness action for several minutes, move onto the next exercise. While energy movement sensations will usually be quite obvious to most people, a few may feel nothing at all; although I have found this to be rare.
    No sensation at all simply indicates the energy body is for some reason blocked or inactive in that area. If this is the case, please continue with all these early exercises as best you can; you are still stimulating your energy body even though you cannot feel it happening at this point. It is more important to learn and practice these techniques at this stage than it is to cause sensations. Some of the exercises given later on in this book are designed to restore inactive areas and remove energy blockages. Once restored to activity, energy movement sensations will then be more easily and strongly felt. A hot shower or bath can also help, if done prior to doing these exercises. This not only relaxes the physical body and cleanses the skin, but also promotes a stronger energy flow through the energy body.

    The tingling in the skin caused by scratching to highlight a target area, is not the cause of energy movement sensations. Test this if you wish by repeating the above exercises in the middle of your forearm or bicep where there are no significant secondary energy centres. This test will cause no energy movement sensations to be felt. Alternatively, try this same exercise on another small energy centre, but without the scratching. It is the movement of a focused point of body awareness through the energy body, at the site of an energy centre or concentration of energy exchange ports, that forces energy movement and causes these sensations to occur. Some of the exercises given later do not allow any kind of manual highlighting, like scratching or rubbing, but energy movement sensations will still be felt.

    Awareness Hands:

    The most natural way to use your point of awareness is to feel you have an imaginary pair of Hands. Awareness Hands are the business ends of Tactile Imaging, especially when it comes to raising energy. These are powerful awareness tools and you will become very familiar with them as we proceed. You will be using your awareness hands in many ways: for raising energy, clearing blockages and for manipulating many different energy centres. You have already started using these Hands in the above exercises. You will soon learn how to use them over larger areas and in many other practical energy related ways.
    Awareness Hands are extensions of active body awareness. You have a left and a right awareness Hand. While the awareness arms themselves are not important, each Hand should be felt as being attached to an imaginary awareness arm coming from each of your shoulders. Each Hand is related to a different side of your brain. One awareness Hand is usually slightly weaker than the other because of this, depending upon which side of your brain is the most dominant. Using awareness Hands is very progressive. The more they are used the easier they are to use and the stronger and more dexterous they become.

    Awareness Hands Exercise:

    The following exercise demonstrates how energy is raised with awareness hands: Close your eyes and relax, while sitting or lying comfortably. Take both your awareness hands down to your left foot, as if you were grabbing hold of it. Scratch or rub the top of your left foot and wiggle it a bit to highlight it first, to make this exercise easier. Draw your awareness hands through your left foot, to your ankle, and then slowly take them on up through your leg. Feel your whole leg, inside and out, as you move your awareness hands upwards through it. Draw your awareness hands all the way up your shin, through your knee, up through your thigh and on up to your hip. When you get to your hip, flick your awareness hands instantly back to your toes again and repeat the upwards stroking, energy raising action. Do NOT stroke your awareness back down your leg. Repeat this action over and over, taking several seconds per stroke, feeling the whole of your leg each time. This action forces energy to flow into your foot and up through your leg. You may feel some peculiar sensations as you do this, like tingling, buzzing, warmth, cold, pressure, heaviness, or even a bonedeep tickling. These sensations can be unbelievably strong in some people.
    Repeat the above exercise with your right leg.
    Splitting Awareness:

    Splitting awareness actions is quite simple to do. As an example exercise: split your awareness hands and feel both of your feet at the same time (after targeting them) feeling one in each of your awareness hands. Draw energy through both feet and up through both legs at the same time, exactly as you did with the previous exercise, repeatedly. Your awareness will split quite easily and with a little practice you'll be able to do this effortlessly. If you have trouble splitting awareness, however, please stick to working on one area or limb at a time until you feel more comfortable splitting awareness actions.
    When you have some practice at splitting awareness actions, increase the speed of the upwards energy raising action until you can draw your awareness up through both legs at the same time, taking two to three seconds for each upward sweep, from feet to hips; repeatedly.
    When you raise energy up both legs, imagine and feel as if you are sweeping or sponging water up through the whole of both legs with your awareness hands. Imagine your awareness hands are each holding a large sponge, and that you are sponging water upwards through your legs. The water keeps trying to run back down your legs, but focused awareness effort and concentration can be used to force the water (the energy) to rise. This addition will give your awareness hands a better feel and grip on the energy, which increases the effectiveness of the energy raising action.
    It is more beneficial to be able to use one point of body awareness (one awareness action) effectively in these early exercises than it is to be able to split awareness. So if you have trouble with split awareness actions, please stick to using both Hands together, working on only one body-part or limb at a time until you feel more comfortable with split awareness actions.
    simple seven major energy vortex (aka chakra) chart:

    so kanang gusto madevelop ang third eye, always stimulate the third eye chakra using M.B.A. or T.I. techniques.... ^_^
    Last edited by hizuka007; 11-27-2009 at 05:31 PM.

  2. #2
    kabaw ka chakra alignment bro?

  3. #3
    pwede ni gamiton as your start/guide in chackra alignment:
    Energy Raising & Storage

    Feel all the coming awareness energy raising actions as if you were drawing a large sponge up through each pair of limbs, and were sponging liquid up through them, feeling the whole of them as you do this. Try and stay as physically relaxed as you can while doing these, but don't worry if you tense up a little or tend to twitch a bit at times. A little physical tension will not interfere with this type of energy raising. In time, you'll learn how to do this while standing, walking and even running.
    A deep level of physical relaxation is not required for any of these training exercises; unless physical tension is suspected as interfering with the energy raising process. If tension is a problem, deep physical relaxation and/or trance systems (See Treatise on OBE, or better, Astral Dynamics), should be practiced first.

    If awareness cannot be easily split, and two limbs cannot be effectively worked upon at the same time, it is permissible to work on only one limb at a time. It is much more important to raise some energy than it is to be able to split awareness actions and follow this tutorial exactly as written. Just do your best with all the exercises in this tutorial and adapt them to suit your needs and capabilities.
    Do not worry if one leg or arm does not appear to respond well. Usually one side of the body will be stronger and will thus be easier to draw energy through than the other. Keep trying with the unresponsive side and continue trying to use arms and legs as pairs, when doing these exercises. If one leg or arm is all you can feel, draw energy through it but do not neglect the unresponsive ones. Unresponsive body parts require more development work and should be concentrated on with the energy blockage clearing exercises given earlier (see early training units). If unresponsive areas are present, some time should be put aside for extra work on these at the start of each training session.

    Areas with a weaker flow of energy are signs of energy body inactivity. Regular stimulation will revitalize these areas and the energy pathways therein will widen and redefine, progressively allowing more and more energy to flow through them. In time and with regular development work, the entire energy body will come online and energy flow will steadily become more evenly distributed. Any part of the energy body that feels in any way different from the rest of it should be suspected of having an energy blockage. It should then be treated with appropriate energy blockage clearing exercises.

    Energy Raising:

    Basic Procedures For Leg Energy Raising:

    There are two ways to raise energy into your body: with awareness alone or with awareness aided by the natural breathing action. First, here are the basic procedures for raising energy with awareness alone. These are generally used as a part of the full body circuit (coming up later) or for raising energy to primary energy centres. They are also very useful on their own for when it is impractical to do anything more elaborate. For example: if you are too tired to do anything else and just want to raise some quick energy to empower your sleep and dreams, while in the process of falling asleep.

    Pre-Stimulating Feet:
    First brush back and forth across all toes of one foot, with a single wide brushing action, for about thirty seconds. Next, use a wide brushing action on the sole, also for about thirty seconds. Finally, draw a deep sponging action through whole of the foot, for about thirty seconds. Repeat the above process on your other foot. Split awareness and repeat above sponging action with both feet at the same time, if possible. Continue this process until some activity is felt in one or both feet. If you have no trouble doing this and get a good response, pre-stimulate using split-awareness with a whole of feet sponging action only, for all future exercises. The most common energy movement sensations felt with this type of pre-stimulation are whole of feet heaviness and fuzziness, with mild overall tingling and buzzing.
    Splitting awareness (optional) reach down and grab the energy of both feet with your awareness hands, and pull energy upwards. Sponge it up through the whole of both legs to your hips. Feel the whole of your legs as you do this. The action of feeling awareness moving up through legs forces energy to flow upwards through them.

    Take energy up over front of hips (avoiding genitals) and flow this directly into your Sub-Navel energy storage centre - midway between belly button and pubic line and two inches inside body, depending upon the size of your body, of course. The Sub-Navel target area does not have to be exact, as long as energy is made to flow inside the body somewhere roughly in the middle of the lower navel area.
    Feel the energy flowing deep into your belly for a moment, feeling your Sub-Navel centre sucking it all in like a vacuum cleaner. Then flick your awareness back to your feet, ready for the next upwards energy raising sweep.

    Develop a rhythmic drawing action, sweeping and sponging energy upwards through your legs, over and through the front of your hips, and deep into your Sub-Navel storage centre.
    Take two to three seconds over each upward sweep - but whatever feels most natural is best.
    At the end of each upwards sweep, flick awareness back to your feet, ready to start over.
    Alternate legs, if you are drawing energy up through only one leg at a time.

    When you get a good flow of energy moving you may feel a slight pulsing, bubbling sensation in your lower navel area. This feels a little like warm, localized stomach wind near the site of the Sub-Navel storage centre. The exact site of this sensation varies slightly from person to person, but is usually within a couple of inches of the Sub-Navel storage centre. This sensation indicates leg energy is successfully stimulating the Sub-Navel centre and being stored therein.

    Basic Procedures For Arm Energy Raising:

    Energy can also be raised through the arms. This is normally only used as a part of a full body circuit or for stimulating the higher primary energy centres. However, energy can also be raised on its own in this way when there is a need for it.
    Position: If sitting in a chair: either hang your arms by your sides, or rest them palm upwards in your knees. If you are lying down: lift your hands above the bed, with your elbows resting comfortably beside you on the bed surface, while you stimulate your hands. Rest them flat on the bed again once they become active, if you so wish. Natural comfort is the most important thing with these exercises, rather than following every instruction here to the letter.

    Pre-Stimulating Hands:
    Stimulate all fingers with a wide brushing across them; and then both palms with a large brushing action along their length; and then the whole of both hands with a large sponging action (as show earlier) feeling whole of hands, wrists and all fingers. You can work on one hand at a time, or both together with a split awareness action. Cease pre-stimulation when energy movement sensations are felt, i.e., a heaviness, fuzziness, tingling or buzzing in hands.
    Split awareness (optional) and draw energy through both hands with a large sponging action. Continue this action on up through the whole of both arms to your shoulders; and from there take the energy to the back of your neck. The back of the neck is where it will be joining in with the energy stream being raised through your spine, as part of a full body energy raising circuit (coming up).
    If this technique is used on its own, take energy through shoulders; down over chest and stomach; and then take it directly into the Sub-Navel storage centre, with a single, sweeping, sponging awareness action.
    Feel the energy flowing into your Sub-Navel centre for a moment, then flick your awareness back into your hands ready for the next energy raising sweep up through your arms.
    Use two to three second upward energy sweeps; flicking awareness back to hands at the end of each upward sweep, ready to start on the next.

    Raising Energy With Breathing:

    Now we get to the part where you start putting all that you have learned into practice and begin raising and storing energy in your Sub-Navel storage centre with a full body circuit. A full body circuit stimulates the entire energy body, using the above two basic energy raising techniques. This steadily increases energetic flow and vitality levels while causing widespread bio-energetic development, in a safe and progressive way.
    Breathing creates a natural motion within the energy body: that of something flowing into and then out of it. This creates a natural upwards and downwards, inwards and outwards motion. This is very useful when combined with body awareness-based energy raising techniques. The breathing action also gives energy raising actions a natural rhythm, creating regular energy pulses throughout the energy body. Awareness actions quickly take on their own momentum which makes them easier to do, especially when used with the natural breathing rhythm.

    Arms & Legs:

    If you are just starting out with these exercises, the first step is to loosen up and stimulate the your feet, legs, hands and arms. Repeat the above two sections on basic arm and leg energy raising (referring to earlier sections as needed) until you get some energy movement sensations. If nothing is felt, however, continue with the following exercises anyway. Energy will still be drawn into your energy body and stored even if nothing is actually felt. This process also helps stimulate inactive areas into greater activity.
    Full Body Storage Circuits:

    #1. Two Part Storage Circuit:

    The Two Part storage circuit is a simple procedure designed to take arm and leg energy directly into the Sub-Navel storage centre. This soon develops a natural rhythm, making it easier to continue for lengthy periods of time. Feel free to vary the positions of your arms and legs to whatever feels most natural to you. This circuit can be done while sitting, lying down, standing or even while walking and running, but is best learned while lying down with arms spread wide or extended above your head.
    I like to use this circuit when I am raising energy outside, e.g., while watching sunrise or sunset. I find there are larger than normal amounts of available energy at these times, as well as in other beautiful natural settings; although this observation may be entirely subjective. If I am alone, I usually stand with legs and arms wide, eyes closed, and feel for the wind with my hands, and then for the Earth under my feet, as I raise energy into myself. The only caution here is that large amounts of energy can make you a little dizzy while standing in this position, especially if your eyes are closed. I have staggered and almost fallen over several times while doing this, so please be careful.
    Use The Basic Leg & Arm Energy Raising Techniques, as given above, for the below circuit.
    Before IN breath, centre awareness in feet.

    During the whole IN breath, raise energy up legs, and flow it into Sub-Navel.
    Continue flowing energy into Sub-Navel until IN breath is completely finished.
    When the IN breath finishes flick awareness instantly into hands.
    As OUT breath starts draw energy through arms, down chest, and into Sub-Navel.
    Continue flowing energy into Sub-Navel until OUT breath is finished.
    At the end of the OUT breath flick awareness back to feet again.
    Repeat above steps 1 - 7 continually, settling into a relaxed, natural rhythm.
    IN and OUT can be reversed for the above sequence, if preferred.
    If you cannot split awareness, alternate legs and arms, using one limbs at a time.
    Last edited by hizuka007; 12-22-2009 at 10:02 PM.

  4. #4
    #2. Full Body Storage Circuit:

    The full body circuit is the end result of all you have learned here so far. This combines awareness energy raising with breathing, as with the above technique, but covers the entire body with a continual flow of energy, rather than having two separate flows. This stimulates the majority of energy conduits, pathways and energy centres in the entire energy body. It also gently and safely stimulates all primary energy centres, as well as their roots in the spine and brain. The full body circuit is the ultimate energy development tool. No matter what part of the energy body being developed of for whatever purpose, it will require development of whole-body energy circuitry to allow, support and power it; which the full body circuit provides.

    The full body circuit should be done, if possible, for a minimum of fifteen minutes per day to gain significant long term benefits. Thirty minutes or more is even more beneficial. This exercise can be split into many shorter sessions, if more convenient. Even a ten second session is valuable. Better use can thus be made of waiting and traveling time, as the full body circuit can be done anywhere, anytime and in any position. There is NO limit to the length of time this can or should be done for, and the more often the better, provided all relevant cautions given herein this tutorial are heeded. With a little practice the full body circuit will become virtually automatic. It can then be combined with other types of meditation and trance work. Try and make this a part of your daily life and raise energy as often as possible. If you raise a little energy, even if just one or two breaths worth every time you think about energy, raising energy will slowly become habitual.

    If a full body circuit is done for just a few minutes prior to falling asleep, the extra energy raised will increase the vividness and power of your dreams and lucid dreaming. It can also cause more frequent spontaneous Out of Body Experiences and make these easier to remember. The extra energy provided by these techniques empowers all subtle and dream bodies alike.

    The awareness actions used in the full body circuit can be fairly wide and do not have to be narrowed to just the spine. Allow the action to spread out as energy is raised up through your back. Hold awareness close, feeling the movement as you take your awareness down the front of your body. This part of the action can, again, be quite wide and should be allowed to spread out as it descends, then narrowing again slightly as it starts to flow into the Sub-Navel.

    Use slow, reasonably-deep, natural breathing and hold awareness firmly in your body at all times. Pre-stimulate feet and hands and bounce awareness through your whole body a few times before starting, as necessary. The full body circuit can be done in any position, but is best learned while lying on your back with arms resting comfortably at your sides. All preliminary stimulation exercises can be skipped if many short sessions are being done during the day.

    Before the IN breath, centre awareness firmly in feet.
    During the whole IN breath, raise energy up legs, through hips and spine to back of neck and on up to top of head.
    Hold awareness firmly in whole top of head and feel energy flowing into and accumulating in the crown centre, until the IN breath is completed. Note that the crown centre is quite large and covers the whole top of head above hairline.
    As the OUT breath starts, sweep awareness down over face; into mouth; down throat and out over chest; then down over stomach; flowing energy deep into Sub-Navel for remainder of OUT breath.
    At the end of OUT breath, flick awareness back into feet ready for beginning next IN breath.
    Repeat the above process continually, settling into a natural rhythm.
    IN and OUT can be reversed if preferred.
    If awareness cannot easily be split, again, alternate arms and legs, drawing up one side of body at a time. IE, first draw up left leg and left arm to top of head on the IN breath, then down front of body on OUT breath. Next draw up right leg and right arm on IN breath, then down front of body on OUT breath. Alternate sides with each new breath.

    Joining Arms Into Full Body Circuit:

    Once you are comfortable with the above full body circuit, try and join your arms into the energy flow as well. This increases overall energy flow as well as drawing in different types of energies through your hands. But including your arms in this way should also be considered optional. It can be omitted if you have difficulty with it, or find this addition makes the process too complicated. It is far more important to have some kind of a full body circuit that you can use and do well, rather than to literally follow every step of these techniques.

    During the above full body circuit, as body awareness passes where hands are resting, on its way upwards, draw energy in through hands and up arms as well. Raise arm energy in line with the rest of the energy flow from this point onwards, in one fluid, upwards, whole-body energy raising sweep. Feel your arm energy joining into the spinal energy flow at the back of your neck; or just feel it as generally rising with the flow and joining in. This does not have to be exact. Smoothly continue the awareness action upwards into the crown centre. Continue the full body circuit, as given above, from here on. The only change is the addition of arm energy into the flow with each upwards sweep on the IN breath; and everything else stays exactly the same.

    The continual awareness motion around the body used with the full body circuit does not have to follow an exact path. It does not matter if it wavers slightly this way or that, or if it spreads out or narrows as it moves around your body. As long as you are feeling your energy raising action moving roughly in-line with the procedure given above, this will have a good overall effect on your energy body.

    If the full body circuit given above does not suit you for some reason, or if you find it too difficult, please feel free to stick with the Two Part storage circuit, as given earlier. This is a much simpler and easier circuit to do and will have the same general result, i.e., causing whole energy body development. Its more important to have some type of energy circuit that works for you than it is to follow my directions here to the letter.

    Direct Sub-Navel Energy Raising:

    When your body becomes more energy sensitive, say after practicing energy raising for a few weeks, you will find yourself becoming more aware of many other types of subtle energy. You will also become more aware of your Sub-Navel storage centre. Once this begins to happen you will be able to draw energy directly into it through both arms and both legs, all at the same time. When you first start doing this though its best to start with only the legs, drawing energy up through them as a pair. The arms can also be used on their own, as a pair, drawing energy in and down to the Sub-Navel. Once each of these methods has been practiced on its own for awhile, an attempt can then be made to combine them and draw energy through both arms and both legs simultaneously.
    This technique is very versatile and can be done anywhere and anytime, to take advantage of high energy areas and situations. But this should not be used to replace the full body circuit. Direct energy raising, while effective as an energy raising method, does not cover the entire energy body. This is simply a useful alternative energy raising method.

    Pre-stimulate and bounce feet and legs, as necessary. Centre awareness in Sub-Navel centre. While holding this, reach out with more of your awareness and become aware of the whole of both legs and feet. Feel your legs as being attached to your Sub-Navel centre, imagining they are part of a large upside-down V, with the Sub-Navel at its tip. Feel a vacuum-like emptiness in your Sub-Navel centre. Feel energy flowing and being drawn up through the whole of both legs simultaneously. Do not brush or sponge your awareness up your legs, just feel the energy flowing up through them like water under pressure, in a continual stream. Feel the energy/water flowing deep into your Sub-Navel and being stored therein.

    Pre-stimulate and bounce hands and arms, as necessary. Centre awareness in Sub-Navel. While holding this, reach out with more of your awareness and feel of the whole of both arms and their hands. If your arms are resting at your sides, feel them as being attached to your Sub-Navel, like they are part of a large M. If arms are resting in a raised or other position, imagine another figure, say a V or a T. Feel a vacuum-like emptiness in your Sub-Navel. Feel energy flowing and being drawn into and through the whole of both arms simultaneously. Do not brush or sponge up your arms, just feel the energy flowing up them. Feel this energy flowing up both arms to the shoulders, and then feel each of these energy streams flowing down over the front of your chest, before flowing down into the Sub-Navel. Feel the energy flowing into Sub-Navel and being stored therein.

    Arms & Legs Together:
    Pre-stimulate limbs, as necessary. As above, centre awareness strongly in Sub-Navel centre. While holding this, reach out with more of your awareness and feel the whole of both arms and both legs simultaneously. Create a feeling of emptiness in your Sub-Navel, a feeling of vacuum and suction, drawing energy in through both arms and both legs, all at the same time. Feel the energy flowing into your Sub-Navel and being stored therein.

    All the above actions create a strong energy demand in the Sub-Navel. Energy will be drawn into the body through the hands and feet in response to this energy demand. Again, this should not be used to replace the full body circuit, but can be very useful under certain circumstances.

    A simple litany can be used each time you do the above, to help program your energy body to respond to this Sub-Navel vacuum-type energy raising action. For example, "" can be repeated slowly and with deep feeling several times, silently, as you centre awareness deep within your Sub-Navel and reach out through all your limbs, feeling your Sub-Navel sucking energy into itself from all directions at once.

    Energy Flow & Effort:

    As mentioned earlier, a deep state of physical relaxation and/or the trance state are not generally required for the NEW system. Effort can thus be put into awareness actions without breaking any delicate mental state. Once your body becomes more energy sensitive, more effort can be applied to energy raising actions, where necessary. The amount of energy that can be raised is directly affected by the application of will to awareness actions. This is particularly useful when there are low background energy conditions; for those times when a greater energy flow is required; and for clearing stubborn, unresponsive and blocked areas with brute awareness force.

    For normal energy raising and development, however, I strongly recommend that only a normal level of awareness effort be used. This is not only easier but far more natural and the result will be a more even and robust development of the energy body as a whole. If too great an awareness effort is used all the time, it will cause too rapid expansion and growth in the delicate bio-energy circuitry of the energy body. This will make developing energy structures too weak, brittle and delicate to be of much practical use. Forced development through excessive effort grows large but delicate and unstable energy pathways. These will retract back to their original narrowed state fairly quickly, often becoming even smaller than they were before, if they are not gently nurtured during their development.

    Use increased effort to clear blockages and to overcome low background energy conditions, but not for general energy raising and long term development purposes. And if the flow of energy into the Sub-Navel storage centre does not equal the energy expenditure used to raise it, temporary energetic exhaustion can also be the result. This is though, often an unavoidable side-effect during the early stages of energy body development, while blockages are being cleared, redefined and grown.

    Please keep in mind that when a blockage is cleared it can often cause high energy usage, far in excess of the amount of energy available or being stored at that time. This can result in fatigue and temporary physical exhaustion; seemingly for no apparent reason. Often more energy is used to clear and repair blockages than can be raised and stored, thereby causing a temporary energy deficit. This can also cause noticeable energy movement sensations to continue for some time after energy raising actions are ceased. Energy will consequentially sometimes continue flowing into depleted areas because of continuing energy demands therein. Blockages can also clear themselves spontaneously as a result of earlier development work; for no apparent reason. Because of this you may experience energy movement sensations outside of development session times, say in the middle of the night or during the day for no apparent reason. This is a very good sign, however, and shows your energy body is responding well to the overall development process.
    just add the location of the chackras that you want to align/balance

  5. #5
    Bro Hizuka, concern lang ko sa mga curious nga mga person nga mobasa ani, it's better sigoro kong mag butang og reminder nga it's much better to learn this kind of things sa mga kabalo na.

    then sir unsa may objective ani? boosting ones awareness?

  6. #6
    chakra alignment is very beneficial, it can boost our immune system and sharpens our brain.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by LightBearer View Post
    Bro Hizuka, concern lang ko sa mga curious nga mga person nga mobasa ani, it's better sigoro kong mag butang og reminder nga it's much better to learn this kind of things sa mga kabalo na.

    then sir unsa may objective ani? boosting ones awareness?
    wala kay dapat kabalak-an ani nga method, kay safe kaayo ni.... dili parihas anang ubang method nga direct chackra manipulation (open/closing) especially sa kundali nga chackra, which is very very very dangerous kung ikaw ra usa mag-activiate/mopakusog.

    objective ani is, para makat-on ang mga tao sa pagcontrol sa energy, pagclear sa blockage sa meridians, storing energy....... kung mamaster na pwede na nimo macontrol ang imong energy at will without too much concentration/attention.

    mousab napud gani kog practice ani, kay dugay na kaayo ko wala nakapractice ani tungud sa kabusy sa school life sauna hantod sa nakalimtan.

    so, kung master najud kaayo nimo nang pagcontrol, pwede naka magprogram sa usa ka object, butangan lang nimog imong energy. mao nay style sa cursing. ...

    basta recommended jud ni sa mga hilig anang mga energy, chackra, astral project, remote presense, remote viewing, reiki, pranic healing, etc.
    Last edited by hizuka007; 12-23-2009 at 07:37 PM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by hizuka007 View Post
    wala kay dapat kabalak-an ani nga method, kay safe kaayo ni.... dili parihas anang ubang method nga direct chackra manipulation (open/closing) especially sa kundali nga chackra, which is very very very dangerous kung ikaw ra usa mag-activiate/mopakusog.

    objective ani is, para makat-on ang mga tao sa pagcontrol sa energy, pagclear sa blockage sa meridians, storing energy....... kung mamaster na pwede na nimo macontrol ang imong energy at will without too much concentration/attention.

    mousab napud gani kog practice ani, kay dugay na kaayo ko wala nakapractice ani tungud sa kabusy sa school life sauna hantod sa nakalimtan.

    so, kung master najud kaayo nimo nang pagcontrol, pwede naka magprogram sa usa ka object, butangan lang nimog imong energy. mao nay style sa cursing. ...

    basta recommended jud ni sa mga hilig anang mga energy, chackra, astral project, remote presense, remote viewing, reiki, pranic healing, etc.
    okay. naka basa ba ka sa libro ni Manly Hall? duda nako gi modify ra ni Bruce ang kang Manly Hall.

  9. #9
    Manly Hall? ... wala... karon pa sad ko kadungug ana niya....
    ilado pud bya ni c robert bruce..... pero ambot lang pud kung resulta ba na sa iyang modification/simplifications nang mga technique niya.... pero epektibo man pud sad...

    so wa nako na ginatagad nang original ba na nga method or modified/simplified.... ang importante ang results....

    mao2x ra na sa math, naay taas nga solution unya naa pud mubo nga solutions nga gi-simplify lang. pero ang answer kay mao2x ra gihapon.

    so, naa rana sa tao. kung gusto silag taas aw dd2 sila sa taas. perog kung gusto silag mubo aw dd2 sila sa mubo (simplified) ... basta mao raman gihapon ang answer.... mas-sayon lang ang sa simplified version.
    Last edited by hizuka007; 12-23-2009 at 09:40 PM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by hizuka007 View Post
    Manly Hall? ... wala... karon pa sad ko kadungug ana niya....
    ilado pud bya ni c robert bruce..... pero ambot lang pud kung resulta ba na sa iyang modification/simplifications nang mga technique niya.... pero epektibo man pud sad...

    so wa nako na ginatagad nang original ba na nga method or modified/simplified.... ang importante ang results....

    mao2x ra na sa math, naay taas nga solution unya naa pud mubo nga solutions nga gi-simplify lang. pero ang answer kay mao2x ra gihapon.
    okay. depende ra pod na sa atong temperament, basta ang objective pareho ra,

    tinood na once nga ma develop nato ni we can store up energies nga magamit nato for different things.

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