Team America, an international police force dedicated to maintaining global stability, learns that a power hungry dictator is brokering weapons of mass destruction to terrorists. The heroes embark upon a harrowing mission to save the world. To infiltrate the terrorist network, Team America recruits Gary Johnston, a rising star on Broadway to go undercover. Although intially reluctant to sacrifice his promising career, Gary realizes that his acting gift is needed for a higher cause. With the help of Team America leader Spotswoode and fellow members Chris, Sarah, Lisa and Joe, Gary slips into an arms dealer's hideout where he discovers that the terrorists' plot has already begun to unfold. From the pyramids of Cairo to the Panama Canal and finally to the palace of power-mad dictator Kim Jong-Il, Team America criss-crosses the globe on a desperate mission to preserve the very fabric of civilization.
kinsay nakakita ani nga movie? just saw the VCD the other day and it was one hell of a movie. hahaha grabeh! pwerting sakita sa akong tiyan og kinatawa murag ambot lagpas kaayo! maker mani sya sa South Park Kid unya pwerting grabeha no wonder murag i think wala ni nasalida sa Cinema for the reason nga murag bastos og controversial gamay kay ang ilang enemy kay si Kim Jong II of North Korea... black mail kaayo hehehe highly recommended nga movie!