Theres a new Aga movie which the story is centered around kabit-kabit. Instanly, without even seeing the movie as soon as youved heard that this is the story, you probably think that this is a good vs. evil thing. Because its a good vs. evil thing, ( the wife is good the kabit is bad ) you might already have a conclusion WHO wins? hope im right. Because in our society " kabit's " are bad and they should be in hell.
First let me introduce to you the celebrity kabits that you want to burm in hell.
1. Cleopatra
2. Camella Parker Bowls
3. Regine Velasquez ( soon to be married )
4. YOko Ono
Maybe ive miss some celebs in the Philippines.
Are this people really bad to you. Are they imperfect. Should they be burn in hell ?
How bad is the Image of Kabit-kabit and why?