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  1. #1

    Default The richest countries in the world

    Blessed with the third-largest natural gas reserves in the world, Qatar is the world's richest country per capita, latest list by Forbes reveals

    1. Qatar has been ranked as the world's richest country per capita in a new list compiled by US-based Forbes magazine. Blessed with the third-largest natural gas reserves in the world, the Arab Gulf emirate of 1.7 million people is benefitting from a rebound in oil prices. Adjusted for purchasing power (PPP), Qatar has an estimated gross domestic product per capita of $88,222.

    2.In second place on the list is Luxembourg, with a per capita GDP on a purchasing-power parity (PPP) basis of $81,466.

    3.Technology, manufacturing and finance hub Singapore is ranked third on the list. The country’s GDP (PPP) per capita is $56,694

    4.At No.4, with a GDP (PPP) per capita of $51,959 (estimated from 2009) is Norway.

    5. Oil-rich Brunei (ranked at No.5) has a GDP (PPP) per capita of $48,333

    6. Uae oil reserves ranked as the sixth largest and it possesses one of the most developed economies in West Asia. The country’s GDP (PPP) per capita is $47,439

    7.With a GDP (PPP) per capita of $46,860, US is ranked at No.7 on the Forbes list

    8.hongkong is renowned for its expansive skyline and deep natural harbour. As one of the world's leading international financial centres, Hong Kong has a major capitalist service economy characterised by low taxation and free trade, and the currency, Hong Kong dollar, is the eighth most traded currency in the world. Hong Kong has a GDP PPP) per capita of $45,944.

    9.switzerland s one of the richest countries in the world by per capita gross domestic product [GDP (PPP) per capita: $41,950]. It also has one of the world's largest account balances as a percentage of GDP.

    10. the Netherlands was one of the world’s first countries to have an elected parliament. And the benefits of democracy seem to be reaching its citizens. Its GDP (PPP) per capita is $40,973.

    so is the full link ; The richest countries in the world Photos | The richest countries in the world Pictures - Yahoo! News UK

  2. #2

    Default Re: The richest countries in the world

    luxemburg, part of germany or not? or was it? i thought it was annexed by britain. if not, damn! what a small country for a lot of cash!

  3. #3
    Elite Member
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    Default Re: The richest countries in the world

    Wow.. Singapore has really come a long way.. Idol jud ni si Lee Kuan Yew. He said it best.. take your democracy and shove it.. hahaha

  4. #4

    Default Re: The richest countries in the world

    Qatar was once looked down by ARAB states since mostly Natural Gas deposits ra ilaha... Pero karun sila na pinaka datu..

  5. #5

    Default Re: The richest countries in the world

    wow norway at #4?

    mahal kaayo beer nila dire ba 1pint kay 50kr, worth about 9U$,lol isa naman ka kahon sa ato

  6. #6
    C.I.A. lhorenzoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: The richest countries in the world

    Quote Originally Posted by joop View Post
    wow norway at #4?

    mahal kaayo beer nila dire ba 1pint kay 50kr, worth about 9U$,lol isa naman ka kahon sa ato

    mao ba boss?? ako cousin is engineer he is also stationed in Norway..he said Norway is nice..

  7. #7

    Default Re: The richest countries in the world

    wow! so I have been to 3 of the richest countries in the world, Singapore, Brunei and Hong Kong. Should I consider myself fortunate? hehe

  8. #8

    Default Re: The richest countries in the world

    Quote Originally Posted by undercover_lover View Post
    wow! so I have been to 3 of the richest countries in the world, Singapore, Brunei and Hong Kong. Should I consider myself fortunate? hehe

    you are one luck guy to have been to those countries boss..

  9. #9

    Default Re: The richest countries in the world

    Wow singapore, LKY once said singapore was copied from the blueprint of marcos' plans sa pinas...sad for our philippines

  10. #10
    C.I.A. lhorenzoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: The richest countries in the world

    have been to Qatar last 2001-2003.worked there for 2 years..ive seen the locals way of living as i have a local friend. they are so lucky to have those leaders that gave back to the people and gave them so much benefits .now im here in the emirates.ive been here for 4 long years and also seen how the locals are treated like kings by their leaders with so much welfare benefits derived from oil proceeds and translated to better way of living...

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