Beach Ultimate is a variant of this activity. It is played in teams of four or five players on small fields. It is played on sand and, as the name implies, normally at the beach. Players may be barefoot. The Beach Ultimate Lovers Association (BULA) is the international governing body for beach Ultimate.
Most beach Ultimate tournaments are played according to BULA rules, which are based on WFDF rules with a few modifications.
◄ "Labay-Labay sa Pasko" A Cebu Christmas Beach Ultimate Hat Tournament"►
►Venue: Lawis Point, Argao, Cebu
►Date: Dec. 10-11, 2011
►Time: 7am-7pm (overnight)
►Reg. Fee: 350 early (deadline Dec. 2 during the Captain's Meeting), 400 for late registration
►Reg fee is inclusive of:
>Event Shirt
>Dinner Party on Dec. 10
>Socials on Dec.10
This event will serves as a new experience for players who will be playing Beach Ultimate for the first time. It will be a lot of fun and bonding for all of us. So guys, an Ultimate experience will end our year, so what are you waiting for? JOIN, SWIM, GET WET, AND PLAY ULTIMATE AT THE BEACH. ^_^
For more inquiries just contact:
♥Boobie - 0923 657 2863
♥Janica - 0922 604 2251/ 0927 812 0456
♥Lyrah - 09997076664