Philippine Hacker's Conference
Gear up everyone.ROOTCON 5 will be hot, ROOTCON 5 will be happening on September 9-10 at Cebu Parklane International Hotel, Cebu City,the event will run 2 days with wide variety of tracks, there will be vendor showroom, job fair, hacking contest and many more.
rootCON came from the two word root(super user on Unix systems) CON(conference), rootCON operation started 27-December-2008, registered as DEFCON Group 6332, and carried the name DEFCONPH the group hold up two small gathering called BeerTalk, after two consecutive gathering DEFCON was concerned with the copyright protection bringing more or less similar name, the group then decided to rename them to PinoyGreyHat, with the name we were able to hold one conference, after which the founder decided to rebrand to a more neutral and conference friendly, on 09-August-2010 the name was shifted to ROOTCON, with the same crew and team, ROOTCON is still the premier hacking conference in the Philippines. the group is self sustained and will keep it the same way to avoid any product endorsement that might ruin the very essence of the conference, sales pitch talks are discouraged as well. The main objective of the group is to provide quality and fun form of hacking conference. rootCON is open to everyone, infosec personnels, developers, lawyers, students, feds, business mens and the like.
As part of the portfolio the team is holding we decided to showcase our previous events. rootCON holds a hacking conference once every year on last week of September or first week of October, the conference takes place in Metro Manila, Philippines, venue and other specifics will be posted on the events page.
Past Events:
ROOTCON 1 A.K.A BeerTalk 1
ROOTCON 2 A.K.A BeerTalk 2
ROOTCON 3 A.K.A GreyHat Gathering
-share lang ko guys, para sa mga adik sad ug ing-ani.. e-share sad sa uban
PS. Please move if it is in the wrong section...