The 23rd July also marks the effective end of the 960, the 950, the 945, the 940 and the 930 - these processors will have their prices reduced on that date to match the Conroe series.
But on October 1st, Intel will introduce the 3GHz 925 - with no VT included at $133 to fill a certain hole in the market, whatever that hole is. That introduction will be followed by price cuts on the 915 and the 820 to $113 and $93 respectively.
As we also indicated some weeks ago, the 661, 651, 641 and 631 will also have their prices slashed - for example the 661, a 3.6GHz chip, will drop from $400 to $163. The other 6xx chips will also fall to that price. It is an effective goodbye Vienna to this family - don't you go buying hundreds of systems using them this week.
The 541 will fall to $84, the 531 to $74, and the 524 to $69 - there are bargains to be had. All prices are in 1,000 units. Below are changes to Celeron prices. µ
No. Speed Bus Cache July23 July27 Aug22 Oct
360 3.46 533 512K $84 $74
356 3.33 533 512K $89 $74 > $69
352 3.2 533 512K $79 $69 > $59
355 3.33 533 256K $79 $69 > $59
351 3.2 533 256K $69 $59 > $54
346 3.06 533 256K $59 $54 > $49
341 2.93 533 256K $59 $54 > $49
336 2.8 533 256K $54 $49 > $44
331 2.66 533 256K $54 $44 > $39