Hey guys!

I'm new here so I'm sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong section but anyways, when I was a kid we have this clock that was given to my grandmother. It is a wall clock but used to sing the hallelujah song and angels would come out in the center when it hits twelve. unfortunately that function is broken but the clock still works fine.

I talked to my grandmother on getting it fixed but she said the she is afraid that the wiring might get messed up and would destroy the clock. It is very dear to us and was thinking of looking for professional help and not just those services who can be found on the side walks (no offense) (but if people say it's good we might give it a shot).

we are hoping to have it examine first since we want the new generation of kids to hear that clock sing again. I think we got that clock during the mid 90's and it's an analog clock.