Brachypelma emilia (Mexican redleg) 2+ inches = 2.3k SOLD!!!
Brachypelma boehmei (Mexican fireleg) 4 inches = 2.2k SOLD!!!
Brachypelma albopilosum (Honduran curly hair) 2.5 inches (molted but same price)= 1.2k
Temperament = Docile, very handlable
Max size = 6 to 7 inches
Nhandu coloratovillosus (Brazilian black and white) 3.5 inches (molted but same price) = 2.3k
Temperament = Semi aggressive
Max size = 8 inches
Brachypelma boehmei (Mexican fireleg) 4 inches = 2.2k SOLD!!!
Nhandu carapoensis (Brazilian red tarantula) 4 inches (female) = 2.8k
Actual pics For adult pics, just search in Google... For more info, just txt or call 09239157855....