Pioneering RIWAY International product manufactured from New Zealand just recently open here in Cebu! Great investment and a good share for your loved-ones nga naa sakit or wanted to promote better health. Save life and help. This is also new in Cebu hence nice kaayo nga business opportunity.

PURTIER Placenta is extracted from fresh deer placenta, which contains the most active and energetic nutrients. It has been well known as a miracle substance to help protect and repair, making it the ultimate health supplement.
Deer Placenta is chosen because of its bio-compatibility with humans and is known to provoke no allergic reactions.
PURTIER Placenta Fifth Edition consist of 10 precious ingredients; Deer Placenta, Dendrobium, Lycopene Oil, Xanthone, Marine Collagen, Aloe Vera, Squalene, Borage Oil, Avocado Oil and Evening Primrose Oil. A perfect formula with double efficacy.
Richer, better and healthier. The ultimate care for your health.…/
I am in Cebu City for more inquiries please text 09436740337.