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Thread: Infractions 101

  1. #1

    Default Infractions 101

    What is an infraction?

    in layman's terms, INFRACTIONS = WARNING

    Taken from the vBulletin manual:
    Quote Originally Posted by vBulletin Manual
    The User Infraction system is designed to automate the management of misbehaving users.

    Infractions carry a point total that is awarded to users. When a user reaches predetermined point levels, the user is given infraction groups. Infraction groups are set up to restrict the permissions of users.

    The system can also be configured to institute automatic bans based on points or number of infractions received.
    As much as some do not like this User Infraction System 'thing', it is necessary to control a forum of this size. An infraction is a simple warning that you have done something wrong. It's not the end of the world, so don't go loco over it and don't take it personally.

    For iStorya, 6 infraction points will result to being Muted, 8 for a 3-day ban, 9 for a 7-day ban, 10 for 2 weeks, 11 for a month, 12 for 3 months, and 13 for 6 months. If you manage to rack up 15 infraction points, you will be banned for life. Each infraction lasts 1 month by default unless we (keepers and admins) specify the expiration time.

    Here is a list of what you can receive an infraction for and a brief explanation of why:

    • Annoying Text (CAPS, Text Size, Color) - Using GIANT fonts isn't disallowed per se... but using them excessively is. You can use giant fonts to STRESS A POINT... the same goes to using Color and ALL CAPS; USING IT TO COMPOSE A WHOLE SENTENCE, OR WORSE, A WHOLE POST, IS PLAIN ANNOYING.

    • Inappropriate Language - The use of harsh language (swearing, cussing, and cursing) is prohibited. Violators will most likely receive infractions. Also, posting in a language that cannot be fully understood by everyone is discouraged. Binisaya, ininglis ug tinagalog lang ha?

    • Inappropriate subject (Violence, Illegal subjects, etc.) - Posting topics that promote or engage in any illegal activity is strictly prohibited.

    • Insulted other Member(s) - You are allowed to disagree with the opinions of other members but you are not allowed to attack the person or their circumstances.

    • Needless bumping / Bumping out of Buy & Sell - Bumping of topics without any valid or justifiable reason is strictly prohibited. You are only allowed to bump your own threads when in the Buy, Sell, Trade and Classifieds forum.

    • Off-Topic Post - Posts that are out of the subject of the thread are bound to get an infraction.

    • Piracy / Intellectual Property Theft - Talking about warez, bootleg records, pirated discs and anything of the same ground are not allowed here. Selling of Class AAA, export overruns, imitations and replica items such as clothing, shoes, accessories and similar items are strictly prohibited.

    • Report Post Abuse aka Patakag report - It is already in Bisayan so it should already be sabotable. Ha ha ha.

    • Signature Rule Violation - The signature rule in the forum rulebook should be followed. As of the time being, this only applies to those users who are allowed to edit signatures and append them on their posts aka the Platinum ones.

    • Spammed Advertisements - Shameless and out-of-place advertising is discouraged in this forum.

    • Thread Hi-Jacking / Advertising in another's thread - Click the damn New Thread button!

    • Violating Local Forum Rules (Stickied Rules at the top of the forum) – Local forum rules serves as extensions to site-wide rules and covers specific violations in said forums.

    • All-around Dick Move - The HEAD of all infractions. Don't do things that are deemed, unnecessary and/or uncalled for.

    • Buy / Sell Thread Spamming – Only “3 threads on page 1” will be allowed per member at any given time at the Buy, Sell, Trade and Classifieds forum. I think that’s self explanatory.

    Is my infraction points visible to the public?

    No. Only YOU, the moderators and admins can see your infractions.

    More info regarding infractions:

    1. Yellow infractions are just warnings. Red infractions are the real deal and will incur points toward being banned.
    2. When you view your infractions and the post says "Private" it means that the post you received an infraction for has been deleted. If the post has not been deleted, you should be able to click the link and view the post.
    3. If you do not receive a notification of your infractions then we recommend you turn on the "Receive emails from Administrators" in your Options section of the Control Panel.

    And as much as possible, do not start a thread about infractions. Starting a "Wah! I got an infraction!" thread will probably lead to another infraction.

    Infractions List is a "work in progress" and subject to change without prior notice.
    Last edited by Galadriel; 04-20-2010 at 09:31 AM.

  2. #2
    Because we are poor, shall we be vicious? vern's Avatar
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    Feb 2003
    Looks good. Restored. Stuck. The list of infractions really needs to grow to become more specific. In time I guess.

  3. #3
    Thanks Sir Vern, I had nothing to do at work man gud ha ha. Yup, broad ra kaayo ang reasons. Pero that's the time man pud nga magamit ang custom reason.

  4. #4
    hehe na infraction ko kai bold red ako post... but previous post naa man mga dagko and red nga post... Inappropriate Language ako-a...

    ask lang ko sa link.. kung asa ang specific way of posting... In case ma accidenty nya koh...(basin naa napud nya ko ma violate wala ko malay) ug post.. hehe Lamats...^_^

    aahw... nakit-an na naku ang answer... sa Posting and you... ako lang eh post diri ha? para maka hibaw sila nga ma infraction sila ani...

    this is from Master Beor:

    using GIANT fonts isn't disallowed per se... but using them excessively is. You can use giant fonts to STRESS A POINT... the same goes to using ALL CAPS


    mao di ko..... hehe
    Last edited by rAnzter; 08-20-2008 at 08:54 PM.

  5. #5
    110% Fresh BaiLeY's Avatar
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    @rAnzter: You may look back at the Site-Wide Forum rules to see it sir. It's HERE:

    Item #8. Don't use needless or excessive usage of Line-breaks, ALL-CAPS, nested quotes "quoting of quotes" (max is 3), GIANT fonts, swearing or derogatory terms.

    Those are on the rules. I hope that answers your question.
    Last edited by BaiLeY; 08-20-2008 at 08:55 PM.

    In the end, cowards are those who follow the dark side.

  6. #6
    C.I.A. zney25's Avatar
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    i got an Off Topic infractions....sorry mods...this time i will minimize my OT's.......

  7. #7
    i got an infraction sad and guess what ang tumataginting na ALL AROUND DICK MOVE! hahayz..salamat na lng ha. (ay churi na double ang post) basin ma infraction nasad k ba. hehehe...churi na doble.
    Last edited by blueleigh25; 08-21-2008 at 08:57 AM.

  8. #8
    Haha, unsa'y feeling makadawat ug all-around dick move? Deleted your dupe post.

  9. #9
    C.I.A. r3roble's Avatar
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    i just want to comment on this on my own idea:

    being a free member of is a privilege, and not a right.
    being a privilege, mods/admins can take it away anytime as long as they ruled out that we committed violation to the rules... and i think there is no need for them to explain because it's already pressumed that we know. Why? Because we have agreed the terms, conditions and rules that has imposed before we become a member...
    Last edited by r3roble; 08-21-2008 at 09:12 AM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by r3roble View Post
    i just want to comment on this on my own idea:

    being a free member of is a privilege, and not a right.
    being a privilege, mods/admins can take it away anytime as long as they ruled out that we committed violation to the rules... and i think there is no need for them to explain because it's already pressumed that we know. Why? Because we have agreed the terms, conditions and rules that has imposed before we become a member...
    and i second the motion to this....i guess as a newbie...and as i have read the rules...just an opinion...lets just say that we need to be more careful on our the rules say...after 3 consecutive posts of OT's you are entitled to have an infractions.....if we keep on doing this we myt band for-ever...just my opinion...and for the mods...kudos to you all..its hard to be a mods..for exploring this have a lot of members and i mean a lot..i guess every seconds or minutes there is a new member....kudos guys....

  11.    Advertisement

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