Call Center Agents
2 years experience required
North Star Technologies Inc.
Mandaue City, Cebu
Posted on : September 29, 2011 05:32 pm
Category : Customer Svc / Support
Job ID : 34269
Accepting applications until October 29, 2011, Saturday
North Star Technologies Inc. is a potential Strategic Partner for Outsourcing, which is a highly specialized BPO/call center located in Mandaue City Cebu, Philippines.

North Star Technologies Inc. combines superior technological capabilities with excellent human skills to offer broad range of telemarketing services from customer relationship management, back office transaction processing to industry specific solutions.

Job Requirements:

- Experience in inbound and outbound telemarketing is an advantage
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills
- Willing to work in shifting schedules/ graveyard shifts/ weekends
- With pleasing personality and good work ethic
- Committed and willing to be trained
How to Apply
Walk-in Applicants are encouraged:

North Star Technologies Inc.
2/f Meritz Bldg. AC Cortes
Mandaue City, Cebu
6014 Philippines
Tel #:4223019

E-mail your updated resume with 2x2 picture at