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  1. #1

    Default Message to the Churches in the PHILIPPINES from JESUS CHRIST.

    Dear Istoryans, please take the time to read this message of March 26 2014. It is a message from Jesus sent through his faithful servant, Gwendolen Rix. God had given me a confirmation that this is all true. You visit her youtube channel here where she only uploads letters from Jesus.

    Dear Pastors of my flock in the Philippines, 3-26-14

    This is your heavenly Father and I am having my daughter dictate this letter for me. She is a mighty prophetess of mine and I pray that you take these words quite seriously for I am about to do something even bigger than I did with the cyclone you experienced last year. Pastors, I want you to straighten up! I want you to preach MY GOSPEL unadulterated from your pulpits each and every Sunday. I want you to proclaim to the world that "I am Jesus Christ's servant and I am here to set the captives free." Invite them into my presence more often, not for them to toy with the fancy electronic equipment and gadgets that you so commonly brag about. Tell my children that those gadgets will not get them into the kingdom of God. Tell them that I am coming in a matter of weeks and I will be catching away all those holy children that have drawn close to me. How can one draw close to their phones and video clips and still be ready for my catching away? How can one be prepared for the days of terrible turmoil that are headed your way if they are not willing to surrender their lives holy and acceptable to me?

    My children, I am your God. You are running MY church. I want you to speak as though it is my words you are speaking, not your own. Please repent of these ways now, dear children/pastors. Please come before me on bended knee and profess your sincerity of spreading the true gospel message. Read the words in red out loud to my people. Praise me with worship music and songs right from the bottom of your hearts. I search the hearts of your congregation and many are not fully surrendered to a life with me and will have to stay and endure the atrocities of the Great Tribulation. Please prepare your church, also known as MY people, for my soon arrival in the skies. Please be forewarned that the coming full moon is a blood moon and will kick off the events of the upcoming Great Tribulation.

    I love you my children. I love you with all the love that is in my heart. I long to see you fully surrender to me as your Lord and Savior. I am not a God that takes partial surrender lightheartedly.

    Jesus Christ, the One true King and Messiah to the world

    Mark 13:32-37 "But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come. It is like a man going on a journey, when he leaves home and puts his servants in charge, each with his work, and commands the doorkeeper to stay awake. Therefore stay awake—for you do not know when the master of the house will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or in the morning— lest he come suddenly and find you asleep.

    1 Thessalonians 5:2 For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.

    Matthew 22:36-38 *The Greatest Commandment*
    36 "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" 37 And He said to him, "'YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.' 38 "This is the great and foremost commandment."

  2. #2
    Hapit na diay maabot si Jesus migo kai I'm coming in a matter of weeks. Pero ang petsa is March 26, 2014 man, taud2x na diay.

  3. #3

    Another delusional christian idiot, Classic.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by porbidaman View Post
    Hapit na diay maabot si Jesus migo kai I'm coming in a matter of weeks. Pero ang petsa is March 26, 2014 man, taud2x na diay.
    But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him:
    (1 Corinthians 2:14 KJV)

    Whether this be true or a hoax, walay specific date ang pagbalik sa Ginoo migo. That statement requires deeper thinking, dli na to see is to believe. Please read the verses on the bottom.

    I'm coming in a matter of weeks meaning, he will visit/come to pour out judgment to this country. I dont know unsang klaseha sa calamity ug petsa ang nahitabo/mahitabo after this.

    But dont be easily deceived especially on the dates concerning Jesus' second coming.

    1 John 4
    1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

    Unsa kaha kung tinuod ni migo noh unya ma timingan atong pamilya manga angol? most of the times we are making fun on the things of God, but when tragedy strikes.....mura tag piso nga nabasa!


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by brendomar View Post
    BUnsa kaha kung tinuod ni migo noh unya ma timingan atong pamilya manga angol? most of the times we are making fun on the things of God, but when tragedy strikes.....mura tag piso nga nabasa!

    God is Love jud diay.

    Thank God for Yolanda.


  6. #6
    hehehhe.....mao nay nindot ninyo!
    kung pikhan namo sa judgment sa Ginoo, iblame dayon ninyo sya.

    Gusto ninyo nga pwed ra ninyong tamak-tamakan iyang law yet you demand love gihapon sa iyaha. What do u think of God, immoral being?

    When there is Love, there is Judgment migo.
    Kung imong gihigugma pag ayo nga asawa/uyab nag immoral dunay laing kabit, i allow lang ba nimo?
    Try daw ikinaiya migo kaboangi atong mga Government officials or make a F**K sign sa ilaha kung ihug baka and mosmile lang sila.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by brendomar View Post
    hehehhe.....mao nay nindot ninyo!
    kung pikhan namo sa judgment sa Ginoo, iblame dayon ninyo sya.

    Gusto ninyo nga pwed ra ninyong tamak-tamakan iyang law yet you demand love gihapon sa iyaha. What do u think of God, immoral being?

    When there is Love, there is Judgment migo.
    Kung imong gihigugma pag ayo nga asawa/uyab nag immoral dunay laing kabit, i allow lang ba nimo?

    Thank God for Yolanda.

  8. #8
    if jesus was born and preaching at this time, he'd end up in an asylum...

  9. #9
    that i agree TS.

    when there is love, there is also judgment.

    God is love. yes this is so true.

    but God is also holy and that means God will also judge accordingly. those who will reject His Son, Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, will never enter into His kingdom.

    God can pardon all sins!

    But how can He forgive if we don't humble ourselves by accepting the fact that we are sinners and believing that it is only through Jesus we can be saved. there is a need for all of us to accept the finished work of God.

    be blessed!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by nonaghurl0110 View Post
    that i agree TS.

    when there is love, there is also judgment.

    God is love. yes this is so true.

    but God is also holy and that means God will also judge accordingly. those who will reject His Son, Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, will never enter into His kingdom.

    God can pardon all sins!

    But how can He forgive if we don't humble ourselves by accepting the fact that we are sinners and believing that it is only through Jesus we can be saved. there is a need for all of us to accept the finished work of God.

    be blessed!
    thanks for sharing miga.....May God bless you too!

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