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APOLOGIES to the fanbois, but I am about to kill some nice AMD dreams. Reverse Hyperthreading does not exist. It's one of the bigger loads of bluff and bluster cooked up in a long time.

AMD doesn't have any such technology. It would like to have it but even the upcoming K8L quad core won't be able to present a dual or quad core as a single core to the Operating system.

On the other hand AMD doesn’t not need such a marchitecture as the operating systems are getting used to a dual and later quad machines. It's just a dream that someone set afloat but AMD doesn't have such a marchitecture.

However, AMD should weather the Conroe storm but it is about to lose the performance crown for a whole quarter at least. Its response, K8L won't be ready before Q2 2007. µ

* Apologies, too, for calling HyperThreading HyperTransport earlier. Must've been HyperVentilating.