The Perseid Meteor Shower will peak late night on Aug. 12 as per PAG-ASA.
The Perseids are also known as "The Tears of St. Lawrence"
The story: Laurentius, a Christian deacon, is said to have been martyred by the
Romans in 258 AD on an iron outdoor stove. It was in the midst of this torture that
Laurentius cried out: "I am already roasted on one side and, if thou wouldst have
me well cooked, it is time to turn me on the other."
The saint's death was commemorated on his feast day, Aug. 10. King Phillip II of Spain
built his monastery place the "Escorial," on the plan of the holy gridiron. And the abundance
of shooting stars seen annually between approximately Aug. 8 and 14 have come to be
known as St. Lawrence's "fiery tears."