MBM Photo / Video Tagging Contest

Let thousands of pictures on Cebu be labelled and tagged.
All references on photos refers to photos including videos.


• There are millions of photos about various towns in Cebu in thousands of websites and computers worldwide.

• Most photos are not properly labelled or tagged or uploaded to the internet, thus making them inaccessible to search engines, and making it difficult to locate such photos except to the immediate user

• Properly tagging such photos already in the internet, as well as encouraging people to upload such photos to the internet will increase the ability of other seekers to find photos about Cebu and its countryside.

The contest is open from July 8 to August 20, 2008.

WHO CAN JOIN? The contest is open to all individuals, students, professionals and bloggers.

For more info visit Cebu Events | Cebu Directories | Online Cebu Directory of Cebu City