The Great Kia
Sale 2014
Picanto -
19k downpayment - 11,900 monthly payment
Rio -
49k - downpayment - 12,750 monthly payment
Sportage -
99k downpayment - 25,105 monthly payment
Sorento -
99k downpayment - 28,169 monthly payment
I am a registered sales executive from Gateway Motors Inc. I can definitely help you if you have an old car that you would like to trade-in or if you are interested in purchasing a new car.
Contact me anytime at 09994718803, 09082960536 or 09336319530
I can assist you with your requirements, promotional offers and in getting approval from banks.
Also, if interested mo any other car brand, toyota, honda, let me know as well. I may be able to assist you as well!