are you sure you're getting what you deserve? think again! coz i did...

i went to PLDT to consult about our contract.. they told me a good news! because of the arrival of PLAN 999, PLDT plan 1995 is going to be upgraded to 512kbps! w0w! thinking it was true, i went home like this > ...

after some time, downloading has never changed.. so i decided to try the DSL speed tests on the internet.. guess what i got? 364kbps! so from this > to this > .. i contacted PLDT through email about the problem.. after a day, someone called me up and adviced me to use THEIR speed tester at the result? SAME!! DUH! they still would not believe me, so they asked for my usrname and password to check it themselves.. then they called me again: "Sir, you are indeed getting 364kbps.. we will refer that to our manager.."Â* after another day, they called up: "sir, according to our manager, PLAN 1995 is only GRADUALLY increasing to 512kbps.. so you will get 512kbps this year.. (DECEMBER IS STILL THIS YEAR!)

me: "i feel cheated!"
PLDT: "no sir! plan 999 is only 256kbps as of this moment"
me: "plan 999 at 256? 256 times 2 is 512! 999 times 2 is 1998! so i still supposedly get the 512kbps!"
PLDT: "we will verify that sir if we can hasten your upgrade.. as of now, that is all we can do.."

so i suggest to you, dear PLDT users, check your speed now!
and if you don't get the speed you deserve, EMAIL THEM! and i mean EMAIL (
believe me, they respond to your emails quickly than calls..