Howdy, I am looking for work from home/part-time writers who can rewrite articles for a specific project that I have been contracted for. I will produce you the articles.
Our work involves combining two different subjects and creating a plausible satisfactory article that offers at least some value to the person reading it.
You will need to be creative and must have good communication skills.
First off, I expect someone that knows and understands the English language. If you do not know how to use English words correctly in sentences, then don't apply.
Your writing skills will show in the first article you complete and if you say you know English but it's clear that you don't, you will be removed from the team.
I need someone that can manage their own schedule. The writers for this project is free to accept as many articles as they would like, but each article does come with a deadline (usually 24hrs) and I expect the article to be done and submitted on time. Don't accept more articles than you can rewrite.
This will be per article basis. You can expect P300-400 per article depending on how many words the article have, usually 400-500words.
If you are reliable, professional and a good english speaker and are interested in working with us, please send me a message with some brief details about yourself and your experience and include your e-mail address/YM in the PM so that I can send you the work details.
Thank you very much and I look forward to hearing from you…