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  1. #1

    Default can you recommend a good cardiologist??

    hi guys! need help. i'm looking for a cardiologist. my first choice was dr. enrico gruet in cebu doctor's. unfortunately, when i called they said that they're full and will be accepting new patients next year! can't wait that long. do you know anyone else?? and one more question, is the heart institute in perpetual soccour hospital the best heart specialization centers cebu??

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2009
    check also Dr. Matiga or Dra. Ong in perpetual soccour hospital

  3. #3
    dire sa may velez hospital ai naay maayo kayo nga cardiologist diha, kalimot lang jd kos pangalan.

  4. #4
    there are many cardiologists here in cebu with different sub-specialties. choosing a doctor is not like window shopping. better if you go to your regular doctor which handled your previous ailments before and he/she can recommend a good cardiologist and refer you to them. that way, the cardio can ask for your previous files (medical charts, hospital and/or patient record, x-rays, etc) and have a good background from your family doctor.

    if your employer provided you with a HMO, then go to the coordinator and that can be good start since they will refer you to their partner physicians. then choosing the cardio will come in as an option to you.

    dont rely on forums or internet. most here will give you many names of cardiologists because they are their own cardio, their relative or friend, or maybe known by reputation.

    if we have a cardiologist who happens to be an istoryan also, then that would be another good start. im sure there are other medical doctors (internists or specialists) here

  5. #5
    C.I.A. icon_king's Avatar
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    edilberto gozo. mao mani akong cardio sauna

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by bbnescia View Post
    dire sa may velez hospital ai naay maayo kayo nga cardiologist diha, kalimot lang jd kos pangalan.

    maybe you're referring to dr.eduardo lee

  7. #7
    Dr.Celine Aquino---diaz bldng. dapit cebu doc,mao ni siya cardio sa ako uncle
    Dr.Manuel Lim---cardio sa ako dad,mau nga dr n chairman pud na siya sa cardivascular med.

  8. #8
    well. it's not really for me. i'm helping out a good friend. i'm still trying to convince him to go for a check up...he's been complaining of palpitations, and stuff... anyhow, thanks for the help!

  9. #9
    Elite Member mab's Avatar
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    Dr. Geraldine Cabahug Ebo sa PSH..

    pa gamay2 lng na pero maayo kaau..

  10. #10
    who are the best docs in cebu specializing in hypertension and cardiology?

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