The sun rises before 6am and sets after 6pm over Dumaguete airport... meaning... extended VFR time! I'm not a flyer, but I love aviation... a lot. What's nice about it is that, you don't have to fly an airplane to be called an aviation enthusiast. Although, doing it, makes you a "certified" one - because of the experience.

Aviation is a vocation. You need to be dedicated, committed and passionate about it. Otherwise, you'll end up loving it now… setting it aside for a while… maybe come fly for an hour or two again… then stop… until you realized you’ve lost your touch… by that time, your colleagues have already signed up for an Airbus training with Cebu Pacific or PAL – and you’re not even halfway there yet – too late.
A great mentor once said, that being the best pilot is not a matter of circumstance. It is a product of choice combined with hardwork, perseverance, determination and commitment... and the result of proper training.
So, how do you show your love for aviation?....