Unsa man ang nindot na program sa gym para treemming? Baboy, Mas Baboy, Perting Baboya naman gud nako Y_Y
Help naman para sa effective treming program..... thanks ^^
Unsa man ang nindot na program sa gym para treemming? Baboy, Mas Baboy, Perting Baboya naman gud nako Y_Y
Help naman para sa effective treming program..... thanks ^^
kun padaut ka, you should do cardio(jogging, aerobics, taebo) rather than lift weights..
and.. also minimize carbo... key: (self-discipline)
first of all... ang imo motivation iset gud... cause without it.. not all the diet and exercise in the world could help you
second.. imong eating habits.. choose food that are close to their natural state, eat right with proper timming.. remember diet consist of 87% of the result
third.. exercise.. i suggest a full body workout 3x a day and 3x a day cardio(HIIT 20mins max) on other days(MWF lift-TTHS cardio) as you progress you can increase the intensity and later change to another...
yes, you need to motivate and yourself and persevere. keep focus and set your goal/target. one that's realistic and achievable.
to begin, do full body workout of 3 sets of high reps (10-15). 10-15 lbs of weight per is highly recommended. you can do it monday-friday or three times a week but if you really want to slim down fast, i suggest daily.
if you can cardio 15-30 mins/day, good. otherwise, alternate between workout and cardio
do not over train. you'll burnout quick before you even know it.... you're back to square one.
eat 6 small meals a day. minimize on sweets and salty. low carb, low fat, high protein, etc. are the best to go.
and most importantly, pag kugi lang gyud... then results will come in time
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