yes, i know we are happy with all our little hidings... we seem to be comfortable in this little clandestine world we constructed for ourselves. yes, we have our share of carnal joys, of emotional pains, of tempting moments when we just wanna let it all out and shout to the world what we truly are, of those emotionally agonizing moments when we really want to know who we are but we end up in an internal wrestling of ethics and immoralities, of truth and lies, of realities and illusions... and often, if not always, we end up caught in the middle.
this thread is for us... i just want to mention things and ask questions in the hope of getting some sensible and valuable insights from PLUs (people like us) and those who think they understand us.
1. why are there people who would always talk behind our backs, making our preference a hot issue to talk about whenever we're not around? what will they get from "OUTing" us?
2. are we all destined to be lonely (specially when we grow old)?
3. if we decide to be straight, can we really walk the straight path without looking back?
4. if you are in a relationship, how long have you been together (i mean with the same ***)? if your single, do you think you'll be able to find something for keeps?