Current law: Batasang Pambansa 880

- This law inforced the no permit no rally.

New bill authored by Cong. Sator Ocampo:

Lawmakers want to repeal Batasang Pambansa 880
10/24 4:52:39 PM

Members of the anti-riot squad of the Philippine National Police (PNP) may soon find themselves wearing only their uniform against demonstrators once a bill seeking a stricter punishment on police brutality is enacted into law.

Under the bill authored by party list representatives led by Rep. Satur Ocampo, a policeman will face seven years imprisonment and perpetual disqualification from the service by mere possession of baton, shield, crash helmets with visor, gas masks or boots or ankle high shoes during rallies.

The bill seeks to repeal Batasang Pambansa 880, which according to the lawmakers has been used as a convenient excuse to suppress peaceful demonstrations.

The bill also allows rally organizers to conduct their protest actions in public places, including the Mendiola Bridge, even without permit from the local government units.

In filing the bill, Ocampo and other party list lawmakers argued that “protest actions would have been peaceful were it not for the violent dispersal by the police force.”

“The bill seeks to ensure the untrammeled exercise of civil rights without unnecessary and unreasonable impediments. It espouses the constitutional rights of the people to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances,” Ocampo said.

Under the bill, no public assembly shall be dispersed without the consent of the leaders or organizers unless there is clear and convincing evidence of grave public inconvenience.

If actual violence came to a point where rocks or other harmful objects from the rallyists are thrown at the police or non participants, the ranking police officer shall audibly warn the participants that if the disturbance persists, the public assembly will be dispersed.

No person can be punished or held criminally liable for participating in a public assembly, the bill provides. Likewise, No leader or organizer of a demonstration shall be arrested.

The bill also provides that members of the anti-riot units should be 200 meters away from the rally site and should wear their nameplates during rallies and demonstration.

IMO, why can't an anti riot police officers wield even a shield while the ralliest will have already on their hands a deadly weapon... (the stick used for the plackards)... and yah, when stones are falling into their heads, they can use their nameplates to shied themselves...