.. i would like to start off with this little disclaimer, I made this thread not to ridicule nor bash at Islam, but i made this to make questions about Islam, ever since i arrived here in taif, ksa, a lot of my english-speaking patients have invited me to convert to islam, they have claimed that islam is the true religion, it is a religion given DIRECTLY FROM GOD. And I generously accepted their invitation to listen to islamic scholars discuss about the Koran and one thing has baffled me; they boldly claimed and assured that the koran IS science, or to rephrase it, the koran had already explained the just-discovered scientific facts on the year 622 AD and that God gave that knowledge to Mohammad to be made as a guide to man. That made me think and started reading the famous Hadiths in the Koran that were "assumed" to be scientific facts and the life of Mohammad and the history of pre-islamic arabia and it's relationship with it's neighbours. As you guys well know, im an atheist, but like i said, i'm not here to bash Islam, i'm only here to ask questions and think rationally about islam's conclusion that koran is science. Oh and pardon me if i'm a little sarcastic at times, don't take it personally, that's just the way i talk. nyehehe
Anyway .... let's focus on this very bold claim: KORAN IS FROM GOD AND KORAN IS SCIENCE.
And I ask you people to open your mind and look at this at a bigger perspective, when you try to answer my questions or discuss the issues with me, please try to relate the koran to everything, from the earth's evolution, to man's evolution, to the slow progress of science, to the progress of human civilization, to everything.
.. i really don't know where to begin, but first thing that comes to my mind is mohammad and the origins of koran, let's start from here... IF KORAN IS FROM A DIVINE GRACE THEN WHY DID MOHAMMAD TOOK 22 YEARS FOR IT TO COMPLETE HIS REVELATIONS ?? To be exact, it wasn't him that made koran but his followers coz as the muslims say, that mohammad was an illetirate. Was he really a bedouin ?? He was born of a rich and prominent family but sadly his father died and was sent to his relatives and then his mother died and he was a geniune orphan then and when he grew up, he became a merchant. There's the profession that is in question. MOHAMMAD A MERCHANT. Let's do some little logic here and talk about the responsibilities of a merchant, a merchant would be a person who deals with the exchange of goods and when you do that, you need to have brains to deal with your customers or clients, YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW TO READ AND WRITE. Coz c'mon, how can you make deals when you're an illetirate
And no matter how dumb you are, when you're a merchant, having met a lot of people and trading with them, you'll be able to learn something. And that I think what happened to mohammad. He became a literate. I'm just using common logic here people. But the muslims stay true to their claim that mohammad was an illeterate.
.. but granting that he is an eliterate, why did it took GOD 22 years to give his revelations ?? Look, if it was really coming from God, then God would have given it to mohammad INSTANTLY and gave mohammad the power to talk in different tounges, be able to write and made the koran in a day. But why the very long years
.. i'll just stop from here, let's focus first on mohammad, let's talk more on koran's scientific claims and teachings later ....
.. oh and one more thing, this thread is all about islam, let's stay on topic shall we