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  1. #1

    Default Catholic Literature in the Net


    I will be providing links to a number of literature written by the Church Fathers and Doctors, and some other noteworthy Catholic writers.

    Just click on the title of the material to reach the webpage.


    St. Anselm (died 21 April 1109)
    Archbishop of Canterbury
    Doctor of the Church

    Why God Became Man

  2. #2

    Default Re: Catholic Literature in the Net


    I will be providing links to a number of literature written by the Church Fathers and Doctors, and some other noteworthy Catholic writers.

    Just click on the title of the material to reach the webpage.


    St. Anselm (died 21 April 1109)
    Archbishop of Canterbury
    Doctor of the Church

    Why God Became Man
    They are products of human wisdom and are used to justify the strange teachings that weren't in the documents

  3. #3

    Default Re: Catholic Literature in the Net

    Dr. Robert Schihl and Paul D. Flanagan
    Both authors are active members of Catholic parish communities in the Diocese of Richmond, Virginia. Dr. Robert Schihl is a Professor and Associate Dean of the School of Communication and the Arts at Regent University. Paul Flanagan is a consultant specializing in preparing people for technology-based changes.

    Catholic Biblical Apologetics

    This is a set of lecture notes used since 1985 to teach the basis for key doctrines and dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church. The objectives of the course were, and are:

    -Â* To present the biblical basis for the origin and development of the Roman Catholic Church.
    -Â* To present the development of the canon of Scripture and evolution of biblical teaching in the Church.
    -Â* To understand the role of paradosis/tradition in the oral transmission of revelation.
    -Â* To study the Council of Jerusalem, described in the 15th chapter of The Acts of the Apostles and its role in the development of doctrine in the conciliar movement in the Church.
    -Â* To understand the revelation, doctrinal development and practice of the sacramental life in the history of the Church.
    -Â* To study the role of the Holy Spirit as teaching authority in the Church.
    -Â* To study the revelation and development of hierarchical authority in the Church.
    -Â* To understand the hierarchy of truths in the Church as well as the role of private devotion and personal growth in holiness.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Catholic Literature in the Net

    St. Clement of Rome
    4th Pope (a short biography is linked here.)
    One of the Apostolic Fathers of the Church

    The First Letter of Clement to the Corinthians
    Written around 96 AD. The occasion for this epistle by Clement I (the fourth Pope) was furnished by the rebellious conduct of some menbers of the Corinthian community, who had taken upon themselves to depose several officials of the Church in defiance of ecclesiastical authority.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Catholic Literature in the Net

    We cannot possibly rely on the false pen of the scribes (Jer. 8: 8 ) for the apostles and the prophets of God who wrote the documents are the most infallible and their message is enough and all sufficient.

    But let those who continue to do wrong continue to do so (Rev. 22: 11 ) so carry on!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Catholic Literature in the Net

    John Henry Newman
    One of the leaders of the Oxford Movement in the Church of England, this Anglican priest converted to Catholicism on 9 October 1845. A number of his writings may also be of interest - such as Grammar of Assent, Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, Apologia pro Vita sua, and others.

    The Catholic Church
    It is sometimes said, that the Clergy should abstain from politics; and that, if a Minister of CHRIST is political, he is not a follower of him who said, "My kingdom is not of this world." Now there is a sense in which this is true, but, as it is commonly taken, it is very false.

    It is true that the mere affairs of this world should not engage a Clergyman; but it is absurd to say that the affairs of this world should not at all engage his attention. If so, this world is not a preparation for another. Are we to speak when individuals sin, and not when a nation, which is but a collection of individuals? Must we speak to the poor, but not to the rich and powerful? In vain does St. James warn us against having the faith of our LORD JESUS CHRIST with respect of persons. In vain does the Prophet declare to us the word of the LORD, that if the watchmen of Israel "speak not to warn the wicked from his way," "his blood will be required at the watchman's hand."

  7. #7

    Default Re: Catholic Literature in the Net

    Dave Armstrong
    Armstrong is a full-time Catholic author, apologist, webmaster and evangelist who has been actively proclaiming and defending Christianity for more than twenty years. Formerly a campus missionary, as a Protestant, Armstrong was received into the Catholic Church in 1991, by the late, well-known catechist and theologian, Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.

    Click here:


  8. #8

    Default Re: Catholic Literature in the Net

    Official Website of the Eternal Word Television Network

    The official website of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN): broadcast their TV and radio shows online. It even has an archive of audio files of almost all its past TV and radio shows, including the very popular 50's TV series "Life is Worth Living" by the late, great Bishop Fulton Sheen (Click here to know why this Catholic bishop even won an Emmy Award for his series: ).

    However, one must have RealPlayer installed to be able to watch and hear the shows streamed from or made available for downloading by the site. Click here if you already have RealPlayer: . The links to the streaming TV and radio shows are found in the "Television" and "Radio" submenus at the top of this webpage. I should recommend to all, especially non-Catholics, to listen to archived audio files of past shows of the "The Journey Home" TV series and be overwhelmed at the testimonies of those who have recently converted, mostly intellectual heavyweights in their respective fields, to the Catholic Church. They will attest the truth of John Henry Cardinal Newman's discovery that lead him to the Catholic Church: "To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant."

    It's also interesting to note that Catholic converts often harbor no hatred to their non-Catholic past. Although, the same could not be said to those who have left the Catholic Church. Sometimes, it takes a foreigner to make one realize how wonderful your homeland is. Sometimes, it takes converts to make us cradle Catholics realize how true and correct and great Mother Church and the Catholic faith is.

    EWTN's website still has a lot more to offer so explore to your heart's content.


  9. #9

    Default Re: Catholic Literature in the Net

    Of course there's nothing wrong with having hatred for an institution the Bible calls the great harlot. And despite the back cover of his book denying it Stephen K. Ray seems to have rancor and bitterness to his evangelical roots.

    I guess he backslipped into the Babylonian religion cos his parents were ultra-conservative in the wrong places to the point of calling a Beatles album "from the devil."

  10. #10

    Default Re: Catholic Literature in the Net

    in Roman Catholic faith, how can one be saved?
    and I wonder why there are requiem masses held even for those who already are confirmed, took "Viaticum" on their deathbed if those two are one of the things that would already have saved them?

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