A. Open to all Amateur and Professional Photographer regardless of camera used.
B. To be eligible to join the Urban Jungle Street Photography Contest, one must register to one of our registration outlets.
C. Registration Fee is only P150. Registration will be at:
PRG Photoshop Rain Tree Mall Mango
Macys Camera Shop APM Mall Cebu
Colours Digital Foto in Ayala Center Cebu
Registration will start on September 22, 2016 and will end on September 30, 2016 @ 4:00pm
D. The P150 registration fee will form part of the POT MONEY that will be divided by 3 winners. 1 winner for each category.
Need to bring a valid ID to register.
E. Contestants are allowed to submit a maximum of 2 entries per category.
F. A free shirt will be given to the early registrants until supply lasts. The shirt should be worn or brought during the day of the contest (October 1, 2016).
There will be 3 main categories.
The 3 main categories will be disclosed during the contest day.
Criteria for Judging:
Relevance to the Theme – 50%
Technical Details – 50%
G. Entries to be submitted should be taken on the date and during the walk. (October 1, 2016)
H. Pit Stops will be scattered through-out the walk route. In order to qualify for the contest, participants should be able to pass through ALL the Pit Stops. A Pit Stop marker will be handed at each pit stop as evidence of you passing through.
I. Pit Stop markers shall be surrendered at the end of the route. Lacking Pit Stop markers will mean automatic disqualification.
J. Entries shall be submitted as a 5R photo print properly labeled with category and placed in a sealed envelope with your full details (Name, Contact Number, Email Address) Printed entries should be submitted to the outlet where you registered . A drop box will be provided for this purpose. Submitted photos should not appear in any social networking sites and photo sharing sites while the contest is in place.
K. Digital enhancement must be limited only to global adjustments. No watermarks please.
L. Deadline for submission of entries will be on October 8, 2016 Saturday.
M. Judging of the Photo Contest will be on the week following the submission deadline.
N. The decision of the Board of Judges shall be FINAL and UNAPPEALABLE.
O. Announcement of winners will be on October 15, 2016. Winners will also be notified through text and email.
P. Board of Directors and officers of Photographers Club of Cebu are disqualified from joining this contest.
Q. Failure to comply to the above contest rules is grounds for automatic disqualification.
R. Photographers Club of Cebu and its officers assume no responsibility or liability for any damages, injuries, claims, causes of actions, or losses of any kind arising in whole or in part from this contest.
S. Photographer grants to Photographers Club of Cebu rights to exhibit the photos. Photographers retains the rights to their images.

1. Participants should walk through the designated route of the Scott Kelby Photowalk.
2. The 3 Main categories will be disclosed at the start of the walk.
3. Scattered throughout the route are 3 Pit Stops. A Pit Stop marker will be given at each Pit Stop. Keep the Pit Stop markers and surrender it at the end of the route. A pit stop marker will also be given at the start and end of the route.
4. A Pit Stop is open only for a particular time. Below are Pit Stop locations and it’s Closing Times.
Pit Stop 1 – Carbon Market near USJ-R CLOSE by 7:30am
Pit Stop 2 – Pier 3 entrance by 9:00am
Pit Stop 3 – Muelle Osmeña Ferry Exit by 10:30am
When a Pit Stop is closed, you will not have the chance to get a Pit Stop marker and you will have an incomplete set of Pit Stop markers which is a ground for automatic disqualification.
5. Finish Line will be at Ponsas BBQ, Opon and will only be open until 11:30am. Each participant will have to surrender the pit stop markers at the given time. Failure to reach the finish line by 11:30am means automatic disqualification.
6. Decision of the Board of Judges is Final and Unappealable.

Peter Go – PRG Photoshop
Ceasar Azanza – Macys Camera Shop
Martin Uy - Colours Digital
7. Early registrants (paid) will receive a Free Shirt until supply lasts. Shirt should be worn or brought during the contest.

Other Prizes will be added later as we gather our sponsors