CEBU, Philippines - Mayor Michael Rama will look into the city government’s failure to comply with its promise to provide P1,000 school supply allowance to each of the city’s college scholars.

The Cebu City government has close to 10,000 college scholars enjoying P10,000 grants each for every semester but they failed to get their school supply allowance for the school-year 2011-2012 and 2012-2013.

The Cebu City government allocated a P300 million budget for the city’s scholarship program for this year and the amount may be increased next year.

In yesterday’s press conference, the mayor said he will ask former Councilor Jose Daluz III, his representative in the city’s scholarship committee, to look into the issue raised by the scholars.

The Freeman received text messages from the city’s college scholars asking for help to facilitate the release of their benefits.

“Basin og dili na ‘sab mi hatagan og school supply allowance karong tuiga. Mahatag pa kaha kadtong wala namo madawat sa school year 2011-2012? (We might not be given our school supply allowance again this year. Is there any chance that we will still receive our allowance for the previous school year?)” one of the text messages stated.

In a recent City Council session, the city legislators passed a resolution sponsored by then Councilor Rodrigo Abellanosa asking the city treasurer’s office to “Expedite the release of the additional financial assistance for the Cebu City scholars in the amount of P1,000 each. Release them at the earliest possible time to meet the urgent need for financial support.”

During the school year 2012-2013, the city provided P10,000 to each of the 8,464 scholars and an additional P10,000 for those who are residing in the mountain barangays.

The scholars are studying in 19 private and public schools in the city, most of them were enrolled at the University of Cebu and at the Asian College of Technology (ACT). But this year, ACT is no longer included in the schools accredited for the scholarship program. (FREEMAN)

Rama to check failure to give school supply allowance | Cebu News, The Freeman Sections, The Freeman |

Basin wlay na jud cguro kwarta naka gahin para ani. tsk3x