Is Nokia really dropping Symbian as the OS of choice for N-series?

The Maemo marketing team shared with fellow tech journalists that Nokia plans for their N-series smartphones heavily relay on the Maemo OS. After finishing up the handsets that are currently in the works, they will make Maemo their primary OS of choice for these high-end multimedia devices.

At a Maemo event held in London yesterday, the marketing team behind the mobile OS revealed that Nokia plans to drop the use of Symbian in their N-series lineup.

Based on the excitement surrounding the Nokia N900 announcement, Nokia top brass has decided that by 2012 Maemo OS will be the official face of the Nokia high-end family. All Symbian N-series devices currently under development will be launched as planned.

There are still no plans of bringing Maemo OS to the E or X series, but Nokia are surprised by the wide interest in N900 and its operating system, so getting Maemo there is not completely ruled out as well.

Nokia promise to continue supporting both Symbian and Maemo, and will expand their official app stores - Maemo Select and Ovi Store with more and more applications. By 2012 there should be enough apps to allow the OS to become a mainstream hit.

source: Is Nokia really dropping Symbian as the OS of choice for N-series? - news