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  1. #1

    Default Health Tip of the Day

    Here's some welcome news for breakfast lovers: Eggs may help reduce your weight.

    Eggs already have been reinstated as a health food (the major Nurses' Health Study cleared eggs of upping heart attack and stroke risk). Now there's evidence that people who scramble, boil, or poach one for breakfast -- versus eating a bagel with the same number of calories -- bypass junk-food cravings and eat fewer calories for at least 24 hours, without even trying.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Health Tip of the Day

    Go ahead, turn up the smooth jazz -- but hit the pause button once in a while, too.

    Music can significantly impact your blood pressure and heart and respiratory rates, as well as your soul. Not surprisingly, music with a fast beat excites, while slow rhythms soothe. But nothing is as relaxing as silence. Researchers found that even after listening to the mellowest music, a pause from the surrounding sound produced the most relaxation, even more than 5 minutes of quiet meditation.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Health Tip of the Day

    Why Eat Avocados?

    By Suzy Cohen, R.Ph.

    Avocados are high in calories -- about 200 calories for half a cup, according to the USDA Nutrient Database. Between 70 and 90 percent of the calories in avocados are from fat but it's "monounsaturated" fat, which lowers cholesterol and subsequently your risk for heart disease. It's the same with olives and olive oil.

    The avocado beats all other fruits (yes, it is a fruit) in beta carotene and potassium content. If you are on certain diuretic drugs and have been told to eat a banana or drink orange juice daily for potassium, you should know that avocados are even better -- they contain more potassium than both bananas and orange juice. For diabetics, avocados -- also called "alligator pears" because of their shape and skin -- are a great choice because they don't contain a lot of sugar or starch.

    Avocados contain heaps of protein, potassium, folic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, biotin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin E and vitamin K. Two other nutrients stand out as crucial to health. The first is beta sitosterol, which may ease symptoms of BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy). Guys, you may end up needing medicine costing hundreds of dollars a month, but one avocado will set you back about a dollar and lab analysis shows that avocados contain about 76 milligrams of beta sitosterol per three and a half ounces of raw, edible fruit. I'm not suggesting dollops of guacamole on top of meat-stuffed cheese burritos; I mean sliced-up avocados on top of a salad.

    The second nutrient in avocados is glutathione. You need
    glutathione to stay alive and process dangerous by-products in the body. We produce it, but aging, certain drugs and disease conditions wipe it out. Avocados contain 15 to 20 milligrams of glutathione per 3 1/2 ounces. Glutathione is so helpful to the liver and digestion that studies have shown a correlation between eating glutathione (from fruits and veggies) and a lower risk for cancer, specifically oral and pharyngeal cancer.

    Glutathione may be depleted from the body by many drugs, including acetaminophen (Tylenol), and depletions can cause joint pain. If you take this medication, it's good to supplement with glutathione, or eat lots of foods that contain it.

    Don't try this at home, but isn't it fascinating that certain parts of the avocado tree, leaf, skin and seeds have been pulverized, roasted or otherwise concocted for use over the centuries to treat intestinal parasites, wounds, neuralgia, hypertension, sore throat, menstrual problems -- and even used as an abortifacient?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Health Tip of the Day

    Eat more lose more... eat more gain more...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Health Tip of the Day

    take the stairs instead sa elevator..

  6. #6

    Default Re: Health Tip of the Day

    do not rub your eyes 'coz the cornea is very delicate

  7. #7

    Default Re: Health Tip of the Day

    FOR WOMEN: be not afraid to lift heavier weights... for you dont have enough testosterone (less than 10% of men's) to build big muscles. If you want to look sexy? you dont like saggy body parts? lift weights! build muscles!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Health Tip of the Day

    exercise mag peepz....
    try to jug 10k everyaday...
    ul surely lose weight after 1 week....

  9. #9

    Default Re: Health Tip of the Day

    Get more from your walking workout by putting it in reverse.

    Walking backward burns more calories, improves coordination, and gives your heart and lungs a better workout than hoofing it forward -- as long as you maintain your speed. The reason? It forces your leg muscles to work harder and in different ways. Just do it in a safe place (like the local high school or college track) where you won't bump into something and take a spill.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Health Tip of the Day

    drink lots of water...instead of 8 glasses a day,drink at least 10...we're in a tropical country...we sweat more compared to other people living far away frm the equator....

  11.    Advertisement

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