Thanks for the vote of confidence. Ganahan ko mutabang sa mga nag-apply. Someone explained to me what happened. There are 3 factors that will affect your application. Your technical skill, your vocal skill, and the whim of the interviewer. Ideally wala unta nang 3rd but this is real life lol.
I have no beef with this company. This company is the first company I applied to because of the good location, the great people, and the LARGE PAY!!! My posts are not meant to discourage anyone. Wala'y mawala sa ato kung mu apply ta, mu regret mo kung dili mo mu-apply!!! Na-igo lang ko sa 3rd factor. I really hope my posts help someone else get in ! Unya after mo ma-hire, share sad ninyo dinhi inyong experience for others to read. Another CC hired me a few days after my application so I'm good.
This is my last post on convergys.
Good Luck to everyone! I hope you get in!!!