nyahaha, si @jovi ra gada'g bida diri brad noy. kung mohilom si jovi maluya sad ni ang ing-ani nga thread.
nyahaha, si @jovi ra gada'g bida diri brad noy. kung mohilom si jovi maluya sad ni ang ing-ani nga thread.
hhahahha! mao jud brod.
pero lingaw baya sad kay daghan nag contribute ba.
Protestantism and Catholicism Contrasted.
Protestant: God's sovereignty determines the will.
Catholic : God's sovereignty includes free will for all.
Protestant: Predestination as predetermination.
Catholic : Predestination as infallible foreknowledge.
Protestant: God desires only the salvation of the elect.
Catholic : God desires the salvation of all.
Protestant: God provides grace only to the elect.
Catholic : God provides grace to all, though not all accept it.
Protestant: Christ died only for the elect.
Catholic : Christ died for all men.
Protestant: God predetermines some for hell.
Catholic : Men merit hell by their own wickedness.
Protestant: The elect include all those born-again.
Catholic : The elect are those who persevere to the end.
Protestant: Grace co-opts human free will.
Catholic : Grace perfects the free will that cooperates.
Protestant: Those in grace (born-again) can't fall away.
Catholic : Those in grace can freely sin and lose grace.
Protestant: The elect will unfailingly persevere.
Catholic : The elect are those who have persevered to the end (perseverance of the saints).
Protestant: The elect are assured of their salvation.
Catholic : Yes, but only God knows who they are.
Protestant: Predestination eliminates merit and guilt.
Catholic : Predestination includes merit and guilt.
CATHOLIC: The Bible compels everybody to do GOOD WORKS in accordance with your FAITH in order to be saved. Therefore we have an inherent obligation to live a righteous and moral life at all cost lest we lose grace.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
PROTESTANT: according to the words of the arch-protestant apostate Luther and echoed by his minions to this day:
"The imputation of righteousness we need very much, because we are far from perfect. As long as we have this body, sin will dwell in our flesh. Then, too, we sometimes drive away the holy spirit; we fall into sin, like Peter, David, and other holy men. Nevertheless we may always take recourse to this fact, that our sins are covered, and that God will not lay them to our charge. Sin is not held against us for Christ's sake."
"your sin cannot cast you into hell"
"No sin can harm me"
"Sin cannot tear you away from him [Christ], even though you commit adultery a hundred times a day and commit as many murders."
-- a direct contradiction of the Scriptures.
Disclaimer: when i say protestant, it means the "most common" protestant doctrine since protestantism's (aka self proclaimed "bible-christians) diverse and oftentimes contradictory interpretation of the Bible is hard to categorize.
Bro, this is a matter of interpreting the word of God. Naay butang nga dili magkapareha ang panabot sa taw, whats important is our faith and knowledge in the saving grace of God. We are saved through faith in Jesus Christ....let's reflect our lives if we align ourselves in the righteousness of God. For me, the rest wont send you to hell if misinterpreted.
Wala say taw nga giluwas na sa Ginoo gikan sa pagpakasala unya magbalik2 ug buhat sa mao ra gihapong sala kung tinuod iyang pagtuo.
naa nasad gyd mo diri-a cge ko pangita sa old thread natabunan naman..
ako ika share aning faith sa?...sa katong sa time ni jesus nga naa sya g hatagan ug miracle, katong paralyzed gani, katong g agi sa atop..ni ingon ang ginoo, your sins are forgiven, pero wala mo tuo ang tawo, g ingnan sya nga you have been forgive thru your faith,..then after ana..naa say katong bata, nga masakiton, ug ang iyang mama ug papa, nag need ni jesus, pero ang iyang papa dili ganahan kay tungod basin ug kontrahan sya sa iyang mga kauban..then naabot ang time, nga ni tuo na sya, ug iyang g pangita si jesus, ug tuod ni adto sya sa house, pero patay na ang bata, ang g ingon ni jesus sa parents..dont stop, keep believing, and have faith..so iyang g adto ang bata ug na buhi...ang msg adto..ang iyang papa ni tuo na ni jesus...
then naa pa gyd, si Tomas, ang iyang desipolo,, dba ni ingon sya nga dili sya mo tuo nga na banhaw si jesus...then gpakita sya ni jesus...then g ingnan sad sya nga, dili diay ka parehas sa uban nga bisan ug wala maka kita ni tuo na ug ni samot ang ilang faith..ikaw kay to see is to believe...
kana lang sa..kay wala ko maka subay sa inyong g pang discuss diri...
FAITH AND A LIFE OF HOLINESS (Roman Catholic position)
or the faulty Protestant position that asserts:
FAITH ONLY AND TO SIN BOLDLY, since they proclaim that sins will not affect their salvation at all as long as they have faith in God. According to them, they can "kill or commit adultery thousands of times each day" but will still be saved as long as they have a stronger faith in God.
Martin Luther vs the BIble:
Be a sinner, and let your sins be strong, but let your trust in Christ be stronger.
No sin can separate us from Him, even if we were to kill or commit adultery thousands of times each day.
But the Bible contradicts this protestant (aka self proclaimed bible-believers) ideals.
Romans: For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
St. James: “For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so faith apart from works is dead.”
To simplify my point further:
bro, murag wala ka kasabot sa imong gipost. let me ask you first....Gikinabuhi ni nimo?
Karon pako ani bro. I check daw balik basin dili mao imong sources.or the faulty Protestant position that asserts:
FAITH ONLY AND TO SIN BOLDLY, since they proclaim that sins will not affect their salvation at all as long as they have faith in God. According to them, they can "kill or commit adultery thousands of times each day" but will still be saved as long as they have a stronger faith in God.
Martin Luther vs the BIble:
Be a sinner, and let your sins be strong, but let your trust in Christ be stronger.
No sin can separate us from Him, even if we were to kill or commit adultery thousands of times each day.
Unsa may imong nabuhat para sa Ginoo bro...have you tried sharing the truth of salvation to other people?But the Bible contradicts this protestant (aka self proclaimed bible-believers) ideals.
Romans: For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
St. James: “For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so faith apart from works is dead.”
To simplify my point further:
I dont want to offend sa imoha coz we are one body in Christ. peace bro!
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