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  1. #9521

    Quote Originally Posted by zehir View Post
    Female labrador pup with papers for 8k. Is it a good deal?
    for yeah it is good.. regardless with or without papers it doesn't matter.

    my question for you sir, are 1. unsa man imo ganahan female or male?

    2nd. nahan ka mo buy kay gicutan ka or nahan jud ka mo buy kay imo jud passion ang pag gam sa iro. kay remind you sir this creatures are cute adorable but remember if di nmo ma atiman ug maau instead of being cute and adorable it will be a pain in the ass. so considered it nga do you have time to take care of it? kay daghan dnhi maau lang sa sugod den mo patung nga gani ug 8 months-1 year irehouse ang dogs which is stressful na sa dog nga part.

    3. what is your main purpose of buying the dog? is it for business or just mere petting it.

    back to your question it is good price. regardless with or without papers kay papers nowadays can be easily acquired from different sources. ask kung kinsa ang parents; ang dam and ang sire. then in case you need help ang vendor kay willing ba mo help out he/she can give you more input. a good breeder is not only good in terms of selling the pups but it goes beyond that.

  2. #9522
    Quote Originally Posted by koikox View Post

    bai, if it's a labrador, it's always a good deal!!!

    haha btw, ok kaau na xa bai.. f with papers na.. just make sure legit na ang papers or f trustworthy ang breeder..
    Pero I've seen some people selling pups w/ papers @ that price.. so ok ra guro na.. tan.awa lng

    Yeah gnhan sad unta ko but problem is I prefer male lab unta for my first pet. Hehe

    How about kanang walay papers pero tag 6k-7k ang baligya? Is it too much? Kay wa jud ko idea pila jud price dapat sa lab pups.

  3. #9523
    Quote Originally Posted by opaxopax View Post
    kinsay naay choco nga stud?
    Ako boss. bwaahahahaha..

  4. #9524
    Quote Originally Posted by carbrill View Post
    for yeah it is good.. regardless with or without papers it doesn't matter.

    my question for you sir, are 1. unsa man imo ganahan female or male?

    2nd. nahan ka mo buy kay gicutan ka or nahan jud ka mo buy kay imo jud passion ang pag gam sa iro. kay remind you sir this creatures are cute adorable but remember if di nmo ma atiman ug maau instead of being cute and adorable it will be a pain in the ass. so considered it nga do you have time to take care of it? kay daghan dnhi maau lang sa sugod den mo patung nga gani ug 8 months-1 year irehouse ang dogs which is stressful na sa dog nga part.

    3. what is your main purpose of buying the dog? is it for business or just mere petting it.

    back to your question it is good price. regardless with or without papers kay papers nowadays can be easily acquired from different sources. ask kung kinsa ang parents; ang dam and ang sire. then in case you need help ang vendor kay willing ba mo help out he/she can give you more input. a good breeder is not only good in terms of selling the pups but it goes beyond that.

    sakto gyud ka ani boss. daghan ko na sugatan na nahan sila palit og pup, adopt or ngayo og pup kay g-cute-tan. nya ang blema kay dili ma atiman pag ayu. ihigot lang sa kilid nya perting pagyud mo booa sa higot or itangkal lang permi.. tawn sad. dili boot pasabot nga nagpakaon ka and imong gbutang sa inyo ang dog kay imo nana g care.. kinahanglan saktong oras og pagtagad.

    hope nga if nay taw nahan mo palit, adopt or ngayu og pup/dog ang ila unta reason is nahan silag amigo/amiga og companion.
    btw, mas mau pud unta nga ipa spay or neuter ang inyong mga dogs. kay para ma control ang population sa dogs. daghan na kaau stray dogs and daghan gpasagdan tungod sa uneducated na owners. kinabuhi baya na..

  5. #9525
    share nako para nay blema sa ilang doggie. ako rani g copy paste.. na try na nako sa akong mga doggie og sa stray dogs diris amo. effective kaau.

    Homemade Lactobacilli

    By: Ma-yeh Alejandro in Philippine Animal Lovers Society (PALS) (Files) • Edit Doc.
    Hello PALS, I am new with PALS, I have 5 dogs 2 dachsund, 1 tiger aspin, 2 mix terriers. The reason I am posting is to share a Japanese Techno I learned and has been very effective in treating the mange of my dogs and guinea pigs. It is so easy to do and the feces of your dogs will not smell a lot nor be swarmed by flies. This is a homemade Lactobacilli. --by Doc Roderick Ramirez

    1. Place your rice washing in a plastic container and cover it with a clean paper tightly sealed by a rubber band for 5 days (do not open or undo cover before 5 days. If you forgot and went over five days, start over). This is fermentation and you are trying to develop a lactobacilli.

    2. After 5 days the rice washing will smell sour, then place 1 cup of evaporated milk then cover again and tightly sealed with a rubber band for another 5 days. (Again, you have to make sure you are not uncovering or opening the container for another 5 days. If you forgot and went over or are not sure what date you are supposed to be mixing the rice washing with evaporated milk, it is better to just start over again. I asked Doc. Ramirez how much evaporated milk to use. He said 1 cup or up to same amount of the rice washing).

    3. After 5 days, the smell will really not be good and you could see a cheesy curdling material on top of the fermented Lactobacilli. Remove the cheesy material and try to get a cheese cloth and filter the lactobacilli liquid.
    (The process above should be at room temperature)

    4. Get crude sugar (panutsa, baong asukal the hard crude sugar or molasses). Place equal amounts of crude sugar in the Lactobacilli. You'll see that the hard crude sugar will slowly melt. The smell is still not that good.

    5. Now you have a lactobacilli solution. A tablespoon of the Lactobacilli solution mix in a liter of water is what you give to your pets, mix in their food or as a source of fluid. Believe me, dogs whose hair is falling out or has a severe case of mange will be cured. After a week, new hair will be growing on your dog.

    You could start giving this to the dogs you have rescued. It worked for me since 2003 till today and dogs with parvo can be given a table spoon of this lactobacilli with a teaspoon of cotrimoxazole 200mg. My wife and I are doctors and we have a very successful improvement with our dogs.

    (For easier measurement, use a 1 liter soda bottle. Put a tablespoon of Lactobacilli solution into the bottle and fill with water. Also, store the Lactobacilli solution and Lactobacilli solution mix with water in the refrigerator when not in use or refrigerate the leftovers).
    When I asked Doc. Ramirez what the critical parts are in the process, he said the fermentation process & the mixture of the evaporated milk with the fermented rice washing and the respective amount of days they are processed.
    Good Luck!

  6. #9526
    Quote Originally Posted by carbrill View Post
    for yeah it is good.. regardless with or without papers it doesn't matter.

    my question for you sir, are 1. unsa man imo ganahan female or male?
    male unta ako gusto..kay nka feel lng ko nga murag mas dali alagaan ang male kysa sa female..Murag hasul man ang female. Sakto ba ko? And basin pa lng mabiyaan ang gate sa amoa nga nag abli then ma rape ang female dog, saon na lng! Nahitabo na rba ni sa una sa amo dog. Haha

    2nd. nahan ka mo buy kay gicutan ka or nahan jud ka mo buy kay imo jud passion ang pag gam sa iro. kay remind you sir this creatures are cute adorable but remember if di nmo ma atiman ug maau instead of being cute and adorable it will be a pain in the ass. so considered it nga do you have time to take care of it? kay daghan dnhi maau lang sa sugod den mo patung nga gani ug 8 months-1 year irehouse ang dogs which is stressful na sa dog nga part.

    3. what is your main purpose of buying the dog? is it for business or just mere petting it.

    back to your question it is good price. regardless with or without papers kay papers nowadays can be easily acquired from different sources. ask kung kinsa ang parents; ang dam and ang sire. then in case you need help ang vendor kay willing ba mo help out he/she can give you more input. a good breeder is not only good in terms of selling the pups but it goes beyond that.
    It's too early to say nga passion jud kay this will be the first time man nga mu alaga ko ug iro. I mean kanang hands on jud nga pag alaga ba. Kay sa mga pets namo, igo lng ko magduwa2 nla, dili jud ako mismo magpakaon or magkaligo. Karon, mao naka decide ko mupalit kay ganahan kog responsibility. And naa na pud ko time karon unlike before nga busy sa school.

  7. #9527
    mas behave man ang female cguro kay sa male... pero ambot lng ha pero mao na ako na observe sa ako mga labs... hehehe

  8. #9528
    Quote Originally Posted by apcNtool View Post
    share nako para nay blema sa ilang doggie. ako rani g copy paste.. na try na nako sa akong mga doggie og sa stray dogs diris amo. effective kaau.

    Homemade Lactobacilli

    By: Ma-yeh Alejandro in Philippine Animal Lovers Society (PALS) (Files) • Edit Doc.
    Hello PALS, I am new with PALS, I have 5 dogs 2 dachsund, 1 tiger aspin, 2 mix terriers. The reason I am posting is to share a Japanese Techno I learned and has been very effective in treating the mange of my dogs and guinea pigs. It is so easy to do and the feces of your dogs will not smell a lot nor be swarmed by flies. This is a homemade Lactobacilli. --by Doc Roderick Ramirez

    1. Place your rice washing in a plastic container and cover it with a clean paper tightly sealed by a rubber band for 5 days (do not open or undo cover before 5 days. If you forgot and went over five days, start over). This is fermentation and you are trying to develop a lactobacilli.

    2. After 5 days the rice washing will smell sour, then place 1 cup of evaporated milk then cover again and tightly sealed with a rubber band for another 5 days. (Again, you have to make sure you are not uncovering or opening the container for another 5 days. If you forgot and went over or are not sure what date you are supposed to be mixing the rice washing with evaporated milk, it is better to just start over again. I asked Doc. Ramirez how much evaporated milk to use. He said 1 cup or up to same amount of the rice washing).

    3. After 5 days, the smell will really not be good and you could see a cheesy curdling material on top of the fermented Lactobacilli. Remove the cheesy material and try to get a cheese cloth and filter the lactobacilli liquid.
    (The process above should be at room temperature)

    4. Get crude sugar (panutsa, baong asukal the hard crude sugar or molasses). Place equal amounts of crude sugar in the Lactobacilli. You'll see that the hard crude sugar will slowly melt. The smell is still not that good.

    5. Now you have a lactobacilli solution. A tablespoon of the Lactobacilli solution mix in a liter of water is what you give to your pets, mix in their food or as a source of fluid. Believe me, dogs whose hair is falling out or has a severe case of mange will be cured. After a week, new hair will be growing on your dog.

    You could start giving this to the dogs you have rescued. It worked for me since 2003 till today and dogs with parvo can be given a table spoon of this lactobacilli with a teaspoon of cotrimoxazole 200mg. My wife and I are doctors and we have a very successful improvement with our dogs.

    (For easier measurement, use a 1 liter soda bottle. Put a tablespoon of Lactobacilli solution into the bottle and fill with water. Also, store the Lactobacilli solution and Lactobacilli solution mix with water in the refrigerator when not in use or refrigerate the leftovers).
    When I asked Doc. Ramirez what the critical parts are in the process, he said the fermentation process & the mixture of the evaporated milk with the fermented rice washing and the respective amount of days they are processed.
    Good Luck!
    nice I forgot nga naka try pd di ai ko ug pa inom sa mga iro nako ug lactopafi nice baya ang result jud...

  9. #9529
    Quote Originally Posted by carbrill View Post
    nice I forgot nga naka try pd di ai ko ug pa inom sa mga iro nako ug lactopafi nice baya ang result jud...
    mka nindot sa balhibo ang lactopafi.... mangutana lng ko kung ok ba sad ang cud liver oil para sa balhibo...

  10. #9530
    Quote Originally Posted by sira_ettezus View Post
    mka nindot sa balhibo ang lactopafi.... mangutana lng ko kung ok ba sad ang cud liver oil para sa balhibo...
    I use lactopafi para lang sa good digestion and busting there immune system... yeah nice ra man di kaau sila mag hair fall... yeah okay ra sad na pero di nako everyday ihatag every other day ako ihatag one time straight 8 days nako gihatagan c Spartan ang iyang stool kay soft to moderate wet iyang stool mao di to ang naka cause nya too much liver oil...

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