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Thread: 3DS user thread

  1. #941

    pang pokedex lang ang uban pokemon then release

    Lingaw jud ang minigames niya labaw na sa pokemon-amie nga bsta 5 hearts na dako EXP ma receive in battle mrag gkan trade imo pokemon daun kay ma boosted man ang EXP nice nice. No problem for EV training nasad tungod sa super training. Nice improvement jud pokemon this year. Libog nlng ta sa ato line up ani kay makatintal mag charizard+blaziken (free torchic) hehehe

  2. #942
    @mraljoriz - nah, we're not forced but to say it again, boxes on the pc is not enough for the pokemons to capture on this card, so mag-unsa nalang kaha ta if mapuno na? diba? klaro kaau mapugos jd tag palit... <-- I'm taking sides sa mga kids ani nga game.

    I don't have a problem for the $5 a year (order man gali tag mga items sa gawas)

    p.s. look on the pc boxes of the previous Generation and you can notice nga enough or sobra pa ang boxes sa pokemon.
    but hopefully naay mga expansion if ever mapuno ang 7 boxes..
    Last edited by Zeratul_; 10-17-2013 at 06:42 AM.

  3. #943
    Quote Originally Posted by jamie_19 View Post
    both good points noted from mralgoris and leonil... now "unique" that sparks more intrugue... maybe i'll just get both titles... and wait for MH4 and by that time i'll be more than ready... thank you ladies and gentlemen
    Haha way problema boss,

    To everyone ,Abli na ba ang SM? kay nag-linog man ug kosog .Wala man koy update kay nag tagotago man sa bukid hehe

  4. #944
    open sila kaayo bai but naa baya crack sa ilang bldg kana duol sa parking lot for terminal for BASAK, taas jud cracks oi

  5. #945
    @kenxie9 bai nagka streetpass ta sa office. asa diay ka ana?

  6. #946
    @icmmendoza aw taga SSI ka bai?

  7. #947
    uu taga SSI bai. dp ko, ikaw?

  8. #948
    uu haha aw naa diay koy work mate dre nice nice

  9. #949
    Nice ang GTS feature guys labaw na naa kay exclusive for your version nga wala sa pikas like recently i got all the starters just trading houndour to them. I got also larvitar and absol nga wala sa X by trading houndours japon hehe. mura nako anig houndour hunter. worth it sad kay like in 2 minutes nga mabutang sa server imo pokemon ma trade daun. most generous jud kay ang japanese. Got ditto from trading houndour then naay quick powder daan. Got japanese fennekin with egg moves.

  10. #950
    Got Larvitar from Japanese dude in exchange for my Butterfree.. (pina Ash dayon, hilak2 sa anime ba..) hahahaha

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